Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

just make sure you eat properly when benching. i wanted to eat well today but didn’t bother going out to the store so all i had was a 25kg christmas ham from the freezer. i put it between 2 slices of bread, it was a bit awkward carrying it over here.

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just an info. does your mog drop from exile reach quests?

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A snake, oh no it’s a snake!

And how do people come up with these stories, who would believe this stuff? 25kg food in one sitting, right…


Reminds me of the time I had a sandwich with a 50kg block of cheese and two slices of white bread then someone stole the photo I took, time travelled back two years and posted it on reddit to try and make out I was lying about it being my sandwich. I was shocked that people will go to such lengths to lie on the internet.


yes but i didn’t go for all of it, i think i skipped 2 quests. i wanted to get off the island so i could quest with my friend in Dun Morogh

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There are people in this thread who wouldn’t find it a difficult job :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Just look at all this…


I’ll take the meat and cheese. The rabbit food and yucky shrimps I’ll graciously let someone else enjoy.

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Salad and soup looks fine to me :yum:

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Well yeah
Technically every typcal Hungarian Feast… okay, lets not fool ourselves, just a typical saturday family diner easily weight 25 kg or more
If your grandma is there, you are doomed to eat at least a dozen plum filled dumplings… for a starter
At least two serving of very hearty soup with 2-3 slice of bread each, roast chicken, breaded chicken, meat, stew, sausages, potato, at least three different kind, deep fried, smashed, steamed, several different gravy and souces, vegetables, salads of basically every kind…
Then desert


She’ll claim you’re nothing but skin and bones even if you’re dangerously overweight.

I think it’s like the law for grandmothers or something.


And I’m quite sure, there is somewhere in the Grandmother’s Creed “… nonsense my dear, there is ALWAYS room for one more slice of pie!” - and she gives you three


Beefyclown still not here?

Ok, My guess is that he will be freed at the start of the Dragonflight

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*Innocent eyes *

Never *burp * seen him… pass the ketchup


We’re almost out. Gotta buy more next time at store.

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That’s what they were taught when they were young… bless them :smiling_face_with_tear:

For something like this, who am I to doubt?


dare i go for the American Pie gif…

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I read creampie here… :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: guilty I know!


Such filth - where’s that horny jail gif when you need it :laughing: :laughing:

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