Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

for sure. im planning to use tomorrow to recover from the hangover


I’m a complete lightweight when it comes to alcohol :stuck_out_tongue:


i once had to drank my bodyweight in alcohol to survive a pit of snakes … fun fact about alcohol… drinking does not actually warm you up … if you ask me personally

my attendance…

Hope you’ll get a cake too!

Ugh… I can’t drink too much either. Normally, it’s 3 drinks (or sometimes even 2) before I get dizzy… :frowning_with_open_mouth:

And always have been the sort of person to leave parties early, while others would watch the sunrise while drunk with a shot in hand sitting in a chair out there at the grounds, I’d have been sleeping at home for a looooong while. :rofl:

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tomorrow ill hope to post some pic from the dinner.


Buon compleanno Tesla!


Grazie Robo! and have fun on sunday! (its 1km from my home - portello right?)

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I am so bugged

How do I turn back into a regular profile?

That’s an interesting helm. I have a few like that


This one the avatar looks wrong

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It’s still an improvement from your usual diapers.

This one has a lovely box for a face

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lately avatars have some… problems… you could send a CV to GP in order to impersonate the arrival flag.


You and Dark Iron paladin have the same box face?


There is nowhere

i think so, i will have to check.
About checking on that stuff too…
I found out i got gifted NOT normal Tickets, BUT V.I.P Ones!

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Made a huge step toward independency from commerce
Baked my own bread, using my own water from the well, eggs from my chickens, homemade yeast - and pretty sure if I would want I could made my own salt and flour too - in the oven my father built
I made the butter from the milk of our cow and the cheese from the milk of our goat
The mustard was home made
And the pickles were home made too, grown in my garden like the mustard and the tomato and the lettuce
My sandwitch was perfection and tasted like freedom!!!


Oh no :frowning:

Is the taste similar to chicken?

Well they are Free-range chickens… :thinking:
Sooo yes
Yes it is :wink:

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