Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Sorry to hear that, Dunks.


Never been - in fact, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard of it anywhere, let alone at work.

Thanks :face_with_head_bandage:

Blows my mind seeing how most here seem openly ok with trolling/bullying the real Twiggz.
Putting this thread on mute. You don’t deserve my awesome food pics anymore.

Last random pic from me


You have missed the part why I have the patholigical liar on ignore?
Not bacause the self contradicting lies, that is just amusing
But because the vile behavior and intentions and stating openly, he will continnue the self-vicitimization and flag-war in the topic, hoping it will be closed down again.
Tésla, Tifa, Dunkiee, me, Soul asked him several times to STOP. Don’t feed the Trolls, don’t ask for mass flagging of others from us because the heavy flag will destroy the thread again and the reply was, in essence, he don’t care
Now it is not the Topic, we will open another one, but the principal
From there, I am ignoring him, and not surprised others are “openly ok” with trolling/bullying
What DO surprises me is your decision
But it is yours
Take care, so long…
…and thanks for all the fish


Just smh tbh.

Ur all very wrong about me.

It is cyberbullying at this point and ur all guilty of it for supporting it.

Ask urselves whose the bad person.

I didn’t take part in this for sure :smiling_face_with_tear:

But if you mean leaving… I’ll be real sad :frowning_with_open_mouth: this is when I’d need some really good foodies or drinks!

Cries in heavy headaches and fever

Now for real… when there was a guy during a Kara run of mine who’d constantly yell in French and not do his job, it wasn’t even me (as lead) who removed them. One of the dps asked me for the lead, that’s how much I couldn’t do it.

Same goes for Twiggz here, I do agree with the others it’d be better to take a break (and a deep breath, not as literally as our dragon frens do so), and then return. I just don’t wanna be on bad terms with everyone, you can never know what the other is going through.

Anyways… a Hungarian meat soup for any early birds…

Could use a bit more meat.

Groans in heavy pain and shivers


Im sorry dunkiee. I hope you recover soon! Unfortunately covid is still here… in june for me it was really strong for 2 days and after i recovered fast. Stay strong!

Beefy: is not about bullyin twiggz, irl or on internet i try to avoid bad bevahiour against every person. But try to reason with him is like smashing the head against the wall. Ive tryin many times to let him understand that focalize himself just on posts trolling him isnt healthy or useful. Obtained just passive aggressive asnswers: and this makes me mad.
Thus is why i put him on ignore. It was the 1st time ever for me but not bein in a positive period myself recomennded me to avoid any further communication.
As i said previoysly im deeply sorry about that but sincerly… ive enough misery irl and i prefer to avoid it here.


Good morning everyone!

All excited for tomorrow night? Or if you’re stuck with work like me…tuesday afternoon?!

Edit: I don’t know why I’m being mentioned here. I don’t have Twiggz on ignore nor do I bully him. I occasionally tell him to ignore his double but as he doesn’t and the double keeps reappering I just skip over it these days.


Will do… here’s hoping my case too will be faster than last year - then, it was a whole 10 days off with the first 4 being a pain in my backside. :face_with_head_bandage:

I would guess about… 6 or 7 days then. I heard it comes and goes faster by now because of the mutations.

That too. That said I sometimes tend to skip his posts (they can be long after all and I might not have the time, no offense if you read this)

If Covid manages to withdraw, you bet I’ll be.


And yes. Im excited! Finally.
Im getting bored to run the same raid for mog or level the 40th alt.
Time to fly to dragon isles!


Yeah soar looks really fun.

This expansion will be completely different for me as well…instead of levelling my alt army I have decided to try raiding and m+ again with my guild. Both as dps and back up heals! Have my healing trials tonight as I’m a bit rusty on that :rofl:

Edit: to give you an idea… my last guild raid was first part of cata :sob:


My last was in icc :))
This time ill focalize on alts and professions. I tend to change idea very fast so… who knows?
But i wont raid or m+ . Not for me. But this is why i love wow cuz everyone can do different things.


Excited? Yes

Work work work :sob:
But I supose every could has a silver lining, I will avoid the cloged up servers an the long queue to get it… I guess
*sigh *

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Not excited, more like relief tjat i can leave SL behind. Already cleared my bags out, dropped my legendaries and parked in SW Harbour. Have beer and dry roasted peanuts ready for the launch.


Brace yourself, Resto is actually a spec that requires you to plan ahead of time :disappointed: there’s a reason I could never play it properly, as you have to deal with a lot of unforeseen dmg in keys.

Never any queue on my server thankfully :smile:


No more Shadowlands? Yay!


Ive levelled 5 chars on a low pop server just for this!

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Any on Lightbringer? :innocent:

Are you joking? No one is doing anything to that guy! Most of us have put him on ignore after one or more of his insane rage fits, and from some screenshots I’ve seen on discord he’s even gone so far as to rage at you whilst you were banned accusing you of being the one trolling him… Nice friend you have there.

Where was your support when he spent several hours personally attacking me (after I put him on ignore btw) because I told him the poster he was accusing that day of flagging him wasn’t even online. He went into attack mode to harass me. I’ve never done anything to him btw, except once have a disagreement with him about him judging people about how they spend their money. He can’t handle people disagreeing with him and if you do it once you have a vendetta against him no matter what, even if every other interaction is perfectly friendly.

He also has issue with me being a woman, but incels be like that.

Even when 95% of the forums have him on ignore and no one is paying him any attention why is he still allowed to cause drama and destroy threads?