Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Looks like a perfect spot to share a nice chili con carne with garlic bread

Imagine. Two large hairy dudes enjoying nature. :sunglasses:


Thankfully, I still had a bit of Goulash soup left for today! Last serving is especially juicy on meat and veggies alike.


Bro’ back mountain? Bareback mountain? :thinking:

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Hairy backs mountain :clown_face:

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Not when I pour my own servings. I always go deep with the soup lavle?
I needs me some proteins! The rest at the table will understand. Usually.

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Trust me, this would have been quite the serving even for you :clown_face:

It barely had any fluids. 50% of it was meat, and like 40% veggies :upside_down_face:

No need to flex your wallet…and protein. I was kidding!

Best line when someone tries to summon me home to them irl is “I got a lot of meat and no one to share it with.”
Clown 101

You guys fans of chicken stew?

Beef and pork seems a bit more popular.

And bread. Everything goes. Even The healthy ones :wink:
But, the whiter and more air it has, the tastier

Clown has also tried a LOT of very nice vegan and vegetarian stews and soups for sure. No hate from me!


That’s a weird ratio. Should be 90% meat.

Not quite that version (unsure about an English word for it), but yes.


Haggis stew for all!

Give me 500gr loaf of bread and I will eat anything
(but not Marmite. Unholy product of the Devil’s toilet)

Surely the devil’s toilet isn’t bad enough to produce marmite.

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Why can’t we all just put jam and/or nutella on toast and get along?!

(Clown, at one point, used to LOVE cheese and honey on toast. WUT!)


What that culinary masterpiece need is, my dear Clown, is a generous amount of maple syrup

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Overpriced and tasteless.

Bakery syrup is what you need.

I think honey and syrups are awful. It’s kebab level stuff.

Don’t worry friend. We have more food vs battles incoming.

Like, pancakes vs waffles. :clown_face:

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What now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Real maple syrup has a clean, complex maple flavor with hints of caramel, vanilla, and prune! Tho’ honey is more floral while maple syrup is more woodsy
It has a richer, fuller flavor and is free of artificial ingredients and preservatives!
Slather some on a decadent breakfast, my dear Clown, and enjoy the flavours!

I read so much but to summarize it all with one word: tasteless

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Clown is just salty because maple syrup is so expensive. And tbh, I rather put jam or chocolate syrup on my pancakes/waffles :smiley:

oh and

I just gained 200gr.

And of course the no 1. Belgian waffles