Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

that sounds horrible bud … i know what its like having no friends…



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Im glad you didn’t punch a hole in the wall of the rocket, although I’m sure you would have fixed it with some rolled up newspaper and duct tape.

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How else does one fix things? :no_mouth:

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we did pick up a Russian astronaut while refueling … after carelessly destroying the station he was on… he could fix anything with a hammer :slight_smile:

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Ramen and super glue, I saw it on tiktok…


Interesting approach :thinking: Not being a tiktoker myself, I never would’ve thought of that.

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Considering ramen noodles can pass through the digestive system unscathed anything is possible.

BNET!!! I sent you hot chocolate and cookies :laughing:

No because I have responsibilities Twiggz. As well as paying my bills and saving for the future I also take care of my mum full time. But even if I didn’t, I could think of infinitely more important things than deliberately punishing myself just to have “stuff”

Nor am I enough of a mug to actually ask my employer to let me work 70 hours a week just to buy a PC.

If that’s your priority, I’m glad you live alone because I would feel so sorry for anyone living with you who might need your help.

But here’s my very last ever reply yo you.

Here’s the thing about people crucifying themselves but they can never work it out.

They can never hammer in that last nail…


I dont rp dont lie about me

That… was the joke lad…

Sheesh. I gave myself a headache facepalming.

Remember what I said about not being able to hammer in the last nail? That’s what I’m talking about.

Stop replying to me Twiggz, you’re just making yourself look even sillier and more childish if that’s possible considering how quickly you throw a strop because someone has had enough of your self-flagellation in every second post.


Dont tell me what to do either, u dont have that level of respect from me.

This aged well…

These ones are on me :yum:


This reminds me of the time I wanted to hammer the last nail in, but my hand kept getting in the way of the lid closing so I punched through it instead, one punch did the trick of course and I managed to hammer that last nail in but then all the attendees started screaming for some reason and I had to get up and calm everyone down. The buffet spread afterwards was nice.


If I were a redhead elf now, I’d feel offended :frowning_with_open_mouth:



Pink > red anyway


At this rate Ill have Twiggz sobbing in the corner sucking his thumb the big bubbly bairn.


Dont flatter yourself… i have dealt with much worse than you will ever be.

You are like a child in comparison.