Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

I began leveling but I’m a bit busy lately, halfway to level 61. :eyes:

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Wrong RP!! that would be Maledetta or Maudite not Afenton, Verity A Fenton is an apothecary, currently most likely found taking samples from around Tirisfal for “reasons” :wink:

Of course if you want angry RP, you need Nef… she has been having issue recently and may have attempted to set fire to her captain… more than once :grimacing:

I have others too, a sketchy Goblin who would try sell you your own mother and a dark ranger.

Sadly all my TRP profiles got wiped and I need to spend some time rewriting everything but it will have to wait until after I’ve finished levelling :grin:

now that is RP

Personally I tend to scroll past it, but occasionally I have a look for laughs.


I’m definitely up for buying that dark ranger off of the goblin :thinking:


I liked Neffy…

Liked killing her even more.

Neffy has bigger enemies to fry than you nowadays!!



Again you clearly dont know what rp is but you do you lad.

Yeah yeah yeah, you say that now, you were crying for mercy last time we crossed swords.

Well when I say crossed swords I really mean you running away from Blofeld with Hunters Mark bobbing on your head.

“Someone help me he’s targetting me again!”

Everyone on Neffy’s team


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Yeah this is not the best one I ever read, they can do a lot better.

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I actually think you dont honestly.

I can tell you one of the biggest lies ever told on this forums.

You being fabulous, you are far from it.

Soul brought the drama.

Im not one to pass up a good time.

Maybe they should just shut up, if they dont like me ignore me ?

Instead of personally bad mouthing and trying to spread lies about me.


On a night elf, sure!

…as they can’t be redheads anyways. shrugs

B-but I expected a pretty chick behind the guise and-

Oh wait, nevermind. Suppose I’m in his shoes as well… :rofl:

Does that mean a happy hour or a sad one now? :thinking:

The tears just make it worse Neffy. Been there myself, that’s my horny jail in fact…

Likely, but it’s better he doesn’t understand this. Playing a female has its advantages, but also drawbacks at times…

Those who found out firsthand weren’t exactly happy my forum and IRL personas didn’t match… I’m not exactly the happiest either but hey, so long we can play, it’s probably not a biggie.



Just take my 2 coppers!!!

For the dark ranger. Mother’s priceless…


Go back and read the comment they replied to first, tell me whats bad or false about it.

Tell me why they chose to reply to it the way they did.

Tell me im wrong.

The hypocrisy in the forum is astounding.

Hell the last time i even posted in this thread b4 that was days ago.

Twiggz talking hypocrisy, now THAT is astounding.

Few days ago you were done with gaming, now you’re getting a new pc :joy:

Or was that, like the metal door, a figure of speech as well?

Stop talking yourself so seriously, so you lie a lot just own it already and move on.


Damn… ive totally lost this friday night drama.
It was interesting? Suspance? Thrill? Some good star wars reference? Barbra Streisand?

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Hypocrisy is the case of someone thinking they have higher standards than they possess.

I dont claim to have high standards…

But people here yourself included doesnt make it hard to look as such.

You set a very low bar.

Just Souly having a crack at Twiggz and then some petty back-and-forths. Not very entertaining. I rate it 3/5.


It was okayish… now he wants to drag me into this madness, won’t happen though. I don’t care.

By the way, I have one popcorn left… if you want it…


Gnam! Thanks. I needed it. Just eaten a focaccia and a piece of farinata (for french friends, Nice socca) and im starving… but i wanted to finish centaurs story. It was really nice.
I was reading drama… nothin new. But good to see soul here more often.


I welcome all to have a crack at me…

At this point its a normal thing no matter what i post positive or otherwise.

Maybe i should make a thread for people just to try and troll and throw their hatred towards me…

At least i can handle anything they got, which isnt a lot.

Cant blame them for trying though.

Got a feeling it will be the fastest thread to 10k posts in this forums history