Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Looks great. I’d take 5.

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That’s some nice buns!

Also what is this Coop store brand.
Is it the same as we got here?

Thought it was only a nordic store.


is that eu ver of a wellmart :rofl:

The logo is similar but the Swiss version is completely different. There is also Coop in Italy, with similar logo, but it’s completely different too. It’s not like Aldi or Lidl that are the same, it’s just the (generic) name for the same concept (cooperative).


Clearly green is much better looking! ^^
Though ours don’t sell alcohol :confused:

I wish! Coop is the most expensive one here.

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Appears to be international… when I was little I thought it was only in Hungary just the same. :sweat_smile:

Likely this!

Ours do but… as pointed out above, the store can be expensive.

But that’s mainly a matter of inflation, and no competence being nearby to lower prices. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

And then this happens shortly after payday…

im in a glass case of emotion… if you ask me personally

mornin …

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That’s interesting! Our Coop does sell alcohol, but Migros (the other cooperative) does not.

oh finally! back from short ban.

Its interesting to notice that we have a Coop Italy here but it never has any relationship with the swiss and norge one.

Loool it seems the ban has taken away my TL3!


time to change avatar and go back to the origins. Tèsla. say hallo to friends here.


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Yeah, they only share the name, otherwise they are completely different stores.

Who would want to ban you?? I’m shocked! :scream:

i had some bad temper against certain people in other threads. It was well deserved.

Just a quick remind not to quarrel on internet.

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High five, also returning from a short ban.

Mine was for insinuating that some people use warcraftlogs for the same purpose others use a certain website with a black-and-orange logo.

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to bad US diplomat immunity dont work on forums even blizzard is a US company …

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Why did you get the boot?


eh… lately im a bit nervous so i was a little “caustic” in some thread.


So… Did clown do something again? Or be just left?

Answers! I need answers!

Greetings from Thailand :blush:
Hope you enjoy DF guys and gals.


send us some pic and let us dream! (its weird. clownie never put any like lately. dunno why)


No idea, but he hasn’t been likespamming here for a while.