Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

O, cześć

Ale ja tylko pamiętam z Litwą i Ukrainy podczas Polsko-Litewska rzeczpospolita

Jak byliśmy najlepszymi rycerzami w Europie

Translated:Oh Hello

But I only remember with Lithuania and Ukraine during Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

When we were the best knights in the Europe

:lithuania: :ukraine: :poland:

EDIT: We The Baltics Deserve the Long beards!

Even the NPC pirates and Kul Tiran humans greet like this too

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A sagittis Hungarorum, libera nos Domine :smirk:

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Because they are sailors :slightly_smiling_face: That’s where the greeting originates from.

We don’t have a sea here though :eyes: so I have no idea how it became the No. 1 informal greeting here.

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But the czech republic ever occupied to the balkan seas? Didn’t they?

What does this mean? My Latin is very rusty by now :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Many sailor immigrants!


Does Dunkiee speak Hungarian from all the time? :thinking:

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I’m not big on history, I’d have to look things up, but it definitely has to do with migration historically. I still find it funny that us of all nations use it so much though ^^

Edit: Looked it up anyway, because I’m the curious one

“no one is quite sure how the term got here, but there are competing theories. Some believe that Czech boatmen brought it up the river with them from Hamburg“

Doesn’t seem to be that old then.

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Swiss Germans and Swiss French use “ciao” too, Swiss French with the accent at the end “ciaò”. :slight_smile:


“Lord, save us from the arrows of the Hungarians”

A magyarok nyilaitól ments meg Uram minket!

Hand over your Hungarian-card


Deleted thread called “Legion is extremely much better”


But there is no trolling around here

It was a nice thread
Tho’ I wouldn’t say Legion was better than Dragonflight :thinking:
They are on the same level at best

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And They didn’t announce raid and dungeons yet


Mainly just English here, tbh I rarely even speak irl. Not really looking for company unless it’s gamers I suppose :smile:

Wish my mother tongue was English actually. I use it much more lately than what I was born with…

Thanks… now I can remember! This is what the nations of West Europe used to pray for when we used to raid them around 900-950 (and Hungary became a kingdom at 1000).

It’s amazing how we were only defeated twice (if memory serves well, again) over 50 years.

Quite the heritage and our ancestors could rightfully look down on us.


It´s time to see my new club with new themes

want to see

Worgen Paladin
Dwarf Paladin
Blood Elf Paladin
Kul Tiran Paladin
Nightborne paladin

and for demon hunter

Kul Tiran

For warlocks

Worgen male
Kul Tiran
Worgen female

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You forgot Tauren!

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Wasn’t there enough terrible ideas already? :no_mouth:

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Never too much!

Well, we have seen Highmountain Demon hunter NPCs back in Legion

But still, why not demon hunters for them if they are literally bound to the fel magic

I got my face back!!!
