Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Did you mean this instead? Some snow for the actual holiday would be goody! But not overly much…


Good morning! :snowflake: :snowman:

Mixed feelings today, snowy morning and that’s nice, I realized that my boss is a better friend than someone else I trusted (but I was wrong) and lied and disappointed me, again… so I’m happy from one side and deeply disappointed from the other… I guess that balances it, right? :eyes:

Whatever, time for a delicious Ovomaltine breakfast!


There is a saying “when they show you who they are, believe them the first time”

Remembering that saves getting burnt twice.

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Blizzard fixed this. You actually need to get 40 in one go now, the counter resets every single time now. :frowning:
Lucky I have the Anglers raft so…

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wow this is bad. i, thanks to robo have the new boat and is awesome.
Im sorry Starney! Unfortunately happens very often. Nice now you know it!


Tell me about it, due to the boat speed and motion sickness (and poor hand-eye coordination and reflexes) I’m glad if I could do the World Quest for the 25 fish with two go
This day needed three :unamused:

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The thing that hurts the most is that this person claims that she acted like this to avoid hurting me, but in the end she lied for months (even yesterday) and now plays the card of the sincere person that tried very hard to not hurting me…wut?

You can’t promise something for months, even yesterday, and then write me “lol I can’t be bothered going there” when you know it was important for me and I even switched work days for this (it’s not an issue but still, I had to do it).

What the hell does that mean? She must be kidding, right?


Anyway, rant over. Sorry about that! I’ll remedy with some delicatessen:



i wonder why you dont get clones of your char stalking you tbh.

No need to say sorry, it is healthy to rant sometimes instead of letting things fester and build up.

I have no rants today, school was back open and two old ladies at the bus stop told me I look a lot younger than my age :smile:


That’s lovely! I’m 37 but people always assume that I’m not older than 25. :smile:


You look younger than 78?



I expect it from Soul but why are you trying to make me cry? :face_holding_back_tears:

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Some are just terrible liars. I couldn’t really come up with any good ones myself, save for once or twice maybe…

Generally, the boss being your friend is weird at best (but that might be me seeing something potentially bad in it, or some hidden intentions, hope I’m not right there :sweat_smile:)

So about workplace matters… I’ve got a lil conflict with my coworker too, just because he runs our machine he believes to be a god and has the right to act like a total jerk and threaten me when I do mess up (mind you, I’ve only been here for a month and got assistance for barely a week to learn it…), and I do like 70% of all the work here. That’s how it’s split anyways (like the place was designed like this), but still, he’s the one who always hangs on his gf’s lips when there’s nothing to do, and I rarely get a break as is.

I asked my cousin what I can do and he suggested I could take a pic of them making out (as it’s really against the rules - the leadership isn’t fond of such contacts at work) and show it to HR to have him punished.

That’s maybe my best shot at getting back at him if he really goes too far, and if he tries to retaliate and gets me fired, I have the right to sue the workplace as is. :rofl: The one thing that has me concerned is that his gf seems to like me and she’d end up as a victim of collateral damage when I have nothing against her and… I kinda don’t like making enemies.

Anyways… sorry for the rant, here’s some hot chow!


Substituting. Am I doing it right?

I’ll tell you later after I get a mocking DM from him on bnet :joy:

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No, there’s nothing weird about it, I promise! :relieved:

We are not really friends, but close to it I guess. In general in the company where I work everything is very informal. Even the “big boss” from the Bern central is a really chill and informal. :grin:

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