Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

I do! They’re my emotional support food.

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I do.


I hope our local dragons like tuna burgers then! Randomly popped out of my mind…

You are dead to me!
Do you hear???

…behold! She has risen!

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Not sure about the risen bit. Seemed to kinda trip and smash face first into a wall when suggesting a burger can be made of tuna.

Good luck and happy Swedish furniture assembling!
Just don’t forget the most important assembly step:


Nah, it was definitely ice. But thankfully I had my guardian angel at the ready so…

…and that’s why my class is so cool!

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I gave up trying to catch up on this at 7000 (have been lurking previously) and came for the christmas food pictures. WHERE ARE THEY?


By when you catch up, it will be over 9000! Well… maybe not, the chatter died down a little, but newbies are always welcome. :heart_eyes:

Right here above, help yourself :yum:




Ooh, this woman knows what’s best!

Poppy seed/nut rolls here. I don’t know where you’re from Nimrhys, but these are very popular to have in Hungary.


England. I had one of those when I was with my ex who was half lithuanian, half russian. He went to all the effort of making a gluten free version for me. Sadly a bit dry but I really appreciated it!!

Past 3 years been trying to get a chocolate log and they never have it. This year I got one! I am so happy! Now I could try making my own but… holy damn are those things tricky.


Forgive me Father, I have sinned
Darkness put her painted claws in me again
Her vision drowns like service wine
Whispered kisses so divine
I was blessed but now I’ve come undone
As a dirty, filthy, worthless casual, dipped my toe in to M+ and managed to time a 4 :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Got any small local bakery you can befriend for next time? Experience has taught me they’re willing to take requests if you’re reasonable, give a decent time frame and are polite about it.

The view when I took my dog for a walk earlier…


The nut version indeed is dry (mostly…) but I absolutely love the poppy seed one! So long it doesn’t contain raisins of course.

Thanks… assembly was ok and easy but I discovered that Ikea had to make some slight changes to the Gnedbys I had since 10 years (also the colour, but you can mix and match them so it’s not an issue).

That “arch” cut at the bottom to avoid the baseboard got slightly smaller, so the new ones don’t fit the baseboards in my apartment which are pretty high.

Plus, that metal thingie that you can put at the top to connect them got slightly larger, so it doesn’t hold them close anymore, but loosely, so it’s messy and they don’t stand still. I only have one of the old ones… :eyes:

I will have to attach them to the wall I guess, but I don’t want to. The old ones rested perfectly still for 10 years.

Why fix something when it’s not broken? :person_shrugging:

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Heh nope. Wouldn’t really trust them to not contaminate it either.

I had the poppy seed one but alas gluten free baked stuff tends to be very dry. I love raisins :o
Mmmm fruitcake.


Note to self, donate all the raisins in biscuits to Nimrhys. She’ll take good care of them.

Here’s another with strawberry! Most people here prefer to make it with raspberries (or any berries for the matter, so long it’s edible) but this one is so much better as the seeds don’t get stuck among your teeth. :strawberry:

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