Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

True. But sometimes it’s fun to hear the explanation anyway.


He either not fluent in english, or have a few a screw loose
Or both


the thing about PEGI3+ and 12+ was in some thread 2 weeks ago. I was one hailing for the “light” expansion (now…).

Probably option B. But that’s no crime :slight_smile:

How?? It’s the one day of the year you can eat as much as you want without feeling guilty for being an absolute pig!!

This year I am getting a giant bar of galaxy chocolate from my youngest plus we got a galaxy chocolate brownie cake :drooling_face:

And just because you have to have something healthy for balance… I got brussel sprouts with maple bacon :grin:

I love Christmas!!!


And a good part is to wear Santa Claus´ costume + long beards! :santa:


OMG! I know him! I know him!

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Just one more cookie.


I also love New Year’s eve because, even if I never do anything fancy, we always organize a super cool dinner where everyone can eat whatever he likes. At home, cozy and fun. :partying_face:


And Santas reindeers are females
Most male reindeer (bulls) shed their fuzzy antlers before the beginning of winter (late November to mid-December). This is because the mating season occurs in the fall. Once the male reindeer have used their antlers to impress their mates, they no longer have use for them, and they shed them before Christmastime . However, the females retain their antlers until after they give birth to calves in the spring. This gives the expectant mothers a means to protect food resources through the harsh weather.
So, any reindeer with antlers at Christmastime are females. Then again, what kind of sledder would hook up pregnant females to a sled? Not exactly good animal husbandry, Santa.
Santa has an all-girl team, complete with the shiny red-nosed “Rudolph”


mmm i like xmas but i dont like family reunion. i used to have some good dinner with friends from 25th to 27th… Now less cause many are scattered here and there, but there is always food.


I’m not sure how I feel about this.


I like it!!

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I thought it would not work to be skimpy

but as a worgen I don´t have skimpy :confused:

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It could be a nice New Year’s eve outfit! :man_dancing:

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wow. its… beautiful.

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I have it on my Dracthyr, not had one person say mean things or spit on me yet though /sigh

its mandatory take all the package with mounts and pets to have the mog?