Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

If only there was an outfit to go with that title.

true. dunno they never thought about that. we are full of oufits.

I don’t wanna be awake.

3 more days… :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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Not far enough
The christmas insanity, chaos, family visits, and the whole enchilada…

for the first time since 2015 my 3 brothers decided to organize a xmas lunch allotogheter with their families. Im tryin to gettting sick to avoid this pain.

this could be a solution…

I had the bad dreams, but I must endure :confounded:

I was almost fallen


when I saw that picture with that outfit and that dream with that outfit + “diapers” and then demon hunter´s waist from mythic nighthold

Even the dreams happen by Dragon Isles questing and NPCs

It´s mind controled

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Take your sick diaper fetish back to r34 or something :nauseated_face: No one wants to hear about it.

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Well I seen many horrible things during my time, including but not limited to my mirror, but holly hell… Wolfy seek help
This is sick


Hope that the mind control shall be removed

Dragonflight is a very light hearted expansion that puts mind control

But I hope Metzen will make better system in WoW

The only thing I’m literally waiting for is the rest. Not really going anywhere, I have to keep the house warm…

Gonna visit my dad and granny briefly, and a New Year’s party and that’s it.

Uh… what’s this, I skipped the chatter :rofl:


Very unpredictable days ahead where I might not be on the computer (and thus forums) a lot. So when I vanish for a bit it’s christmassy busy and thus I pre-emptively wish people a merry christmas! :santa:t2: Eat tasty stuff and spend time with those you care about if possible.


Neat, the WB just gave me a cool little 395 trinket
Still hate christmas tho’

Hello everyone! Last day that orders can be registered, so basically it’s the last day of “true” work before the Holidays! :man_dancing: :partying_face:


Skimpy outfit for Worgen with Leather armor, and Demon hunter

And yes, it is badly designed when I put the pictures with links and happened this

But when you open the link, then you can see entirely

I’m confused. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


What I meant is

They put similar stuff which is for +3 not +12 - the themes, storylines, NPCs voice and etc.

But I must keep enduring!


It’s usually best not to try comprehending.