Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Usually when i post something I giggle and also smile.

But the last 3 hours, I’ve been smiling and rofling like a lunatic.
I love this weaksauce wannabe Reddit forum

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this forums is certainly special in many ways.

here have this song.

i personally think this guy has one of the best voices in modern rock.


Cheddar/Butter flavoured popcorn incoming

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Flagging clown = Flagging three other threads here

Winning is winning!

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don’t you know real people aren’t allowed on these forums lol.

you notice the theme the people who regular this thread have in common ?

if not, see if u can spot it.


life is actually getting much better for me recently… the RL thing which was causing my great stress is resolving itself over the last couple week…

i just had to be myself.

and it was enough to bring them back.


I’m not a ignoramus. / Ali G

I just decided to roll with these low quality noobs. They kept me entertained. The entertainment is weak now.

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like I said, i’m fairly certain most of what you posted is real, but let’s say I don’t belive a word you say. Ok. WHAT aiight?! let’s dip the haters in home made batter and dip in the fry maker.

Let’s eat. Clown hungry

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why people wouldnt believe what i say is probably a problem with them, themselves honestly…

why would i lie ?

what would i honestly gain from doing that on here?

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You should have a word with forum trolls to answer that question!

Myself, I Troll on a very low level. But once these threads (that break forum CoC) get deleted, I will upgrade my forum trolling

Bacon flavoured pork rind snacks. Thank me later

Pathological lying , also known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica , is a chronic behavior in which the person habitually or compulsively lies. These lies often serve no obvious purpose other than to paint oneself as a hero or victim, depending on the circumstance.

You’re welcome.

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Weakest link trying to flex the big bois how strong he is.
I love it!

those trolls use the term “lie” because i did respond to it once in a negative way.

it is their buzz word…

nothing more than that.

they can think what they like.

oh btw the girl i upset a while back after following brigante’s advice to not wait and take the chance… is actually speaking to me again now :+1:


This brings me joy. Nice mate

Do your best and let’s hope for the best

14 days until I can no longer post awesome posts here

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are you leaving ?

i’ll be honest im mainly only here to chat to you :slight_smile:

so if you do go let me know i wont be sticking around.

no one else here is worth it.

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This reminds me of the time I was going to be all on my own for the holidays and only had a frozen microwave birdseye chicken dinner for my christmas lunch but I didnt want all the strangers on the internet to know how sad and lonely I was so I told them I was having three gooses and twenty types of potatoe with carrots, peas, sprouts, broccoli, parsnips, gravy, and every sauce imaginable but someone told me I was lying so I stole a picture from the internet and said it was mine but they were so mean and reversed image searched it and then called me a pathological liar even though they started it. My frozen microwave birdseye chicken dinner had a nice gravy type sauce on it though which was nice. I am having another one this year but I bought two so I can say I have friends and it isn’t really a lie.


I am done with Wow. Explored Wrath, most of the classes and specs and DF is weak and not my jam

Nothing but positive to say about it all, but time has come

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I could get you a fake mommy if you need emotional help. She is cheap dw about it
Happy to help

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