Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

you probably took that out of context… i only ever show’d one image here of my actual food…

all others are from google.

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We all know a month from now both of you will still be here.

Au revoir :roll_eyes:


Daddy clown has several bodybuilding/fitness/foodie forums I will bug after my Wow sub runs out.

Will you miss the clown? Ow noewziez. So sad fow youz :frowning:

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yeah… i don’t have much to say about the game itself i have not said before.

it’s a great time to find better things to do.

also less wow more time to workout right?

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Perhaps. Myself, I do most my workout before the sun rises
Body workout/stretching at 0400 and gym at 0600

but yes.

I’ve had fun here, hard to complain

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i had some good conversations with people here also.

there is very few who actually still post here…

and the other which do well they all took the ticket on the hate train because they cannot think for themselves it seems.


Let the weak minded be hating on us pros.
Jelly will be jelly!

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Nice! I will for sure visit these forums and read
But 6th January, I will log out and never log in again

Bittersweet ending for the clown. But overall, 86% happiness

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i don’t know when my sub is out.

it’s only a month … could be a matter of days now.

i havent exactly been posting regularly for a couple months now tbh.

but the haters still hate like i am posting every day with the same arguments…

its funny tbh.


Funny but also sad. I will watch Borat and Ali G clips on youtube. I will log in Sunday morning and try and spread my clowniness. Merry Christmas friend :vulcan_salute:

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merry xmas bud.

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I am sorry but how is my post related to you?

Although this does remind me of the time I was at work and people were having conversations between themselves and I kept joining them and my boss accused me of having narcissistic personality disorder and I got so mad I stamped my foot and caused an earthquake then he patted me on the back and made me the main character in every story that took place there since. Now I have to go get ready because I am working all christmas with no time off or breaks even though we are technically closed until january.

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Being sad and alone is pretty common Christmas time. Nothing wrong with that

If you need a friendly hombre here, I will gladly be your Christmas friend

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reminds me of the time nasa sent me on a mission to save the planet but the rocket didn’t work so i hired macgyver to make me a new rocket out of a paper clip and rolled up news paper.

when we got to space we forgot to save earth from the intelligence reduction beam coming from mars targeting the wow EU general forums.

because the aliens were actually pretty chill, we ended up hanging out instead.

thankfully the beam only hit a select few posters who now like cloning regular posters

ngl harley quinn everyday.

i love crazy

I am not quite sure what your issue is. Everyone knows Elon Musk offered me a space on his Mars trip but I had to turn it down because I am taking my bosses grandmother to center parcs that week. Why would you make up a lie to copy me? sounds like you are jealous of me even though I dont know who you are or why you are being so aggressive and harassing me like this. I just responded to a poster who was talking about pathological lying with a life story of mine and you attacked me out of no where and began cloning my stories. I think you need to calm down and perhaps stop thinking that you are the main the character in everyone elses story when everyone knows that I am the main character. I have Elon on my side anyway.

hey beastclown, did you miss me? :kissing_heart:

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who said i have a issue?

i love the stories reminds me of good times.

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Ofc I did! I dreamt about us sharing a BBQ in the forest

It was epic!

Gnome flavoured BBQ. Amazing

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