Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Clownie? Is that you?! Are you finally back!?!

Robo… just ignore him. Don’t feed the troll! He clearly only wants to cause trouble.


I love epic fails, and I love even more when posts are deleted because they were clearly epic fails.

It’s so entertaining watching you both fail again and again. Please go on, it’s comedy gold. :wink:


what i don’t understand is i came to this thread to respond to the pure harassment Kit threw at clown (staney has also done the same since).

suddenly i am trolling the thread??

get a grip people…

most i done was point out the obvious instigator .

then i continued to have a conversation with the victim of the harassment.

if you don’t like harassment thrown at people don’t go around throwing it yourselves.

not only this even after i pointed out the offender they continue to start throwing harassment at me as well calling me a pathological liar …

not the first and definately not the last time they throw harassment at me by calling me that btw…

this is however the first time i actually called them out on it.

Gira al largo da sti due robo. Sono fuori abbestia. Beefy è stato una grossa delusione.


Hai ragione / You’re Right.


hmm sure stay away from us all you like…

i wont miss you.

your own side is as bad as the one you are blaming though… you should stay away from not just us two.

Questo è quello che ha detto :smirk:


will say.

i would of never thrown anything disrespectful towards anyone who didnt throw towards me first.

think about that for a while.

and how much i have thrown.



you already shown your ignorance starney, it is on another level , your words are worth about as much as that is.

imagine treating clown like you do when to my knowledge they have been nothing but kind and friendly towards you …

all because of a popular opinion.

Weaklings pouring gazoline and lighting a match and when Beefy questions the fire, gets blamed.

I have no sheep gif to share but
This is pretty nice

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Hey Twiggz, just ignore him. I don’t speak sheep anyway :clown_face:

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Cough😋/368571/2888 cough

Oh, oops my finger seems to have slipped and posted an old post of mine that led to several hours of abuse… imagine that… telling someone that someone else wasn’t online being such a crime to lead to several hours of harassment and abuse…

“They started it…” (quote from any 7 year old in any school playground anywhere in the world at anytime)


Googles sheep translation No luck

Naughtyboi is going to sing with me!

Yes I will!


Ran out of likes so


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i thought he could redeem himself tbh…