Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

not really as the post count gets mentioned here a awful lot so people do obviously care about it…

if it was about quality…

then you would be hard pressed to find it here from anyone.


perhaps dunkiee is the highest quality poster in this thread.

when it isnt clown posting about food its wolfy talking about diapers… or its kit/alagondar/launfu doing ERP…

so yeah i would not really talk about quality around here.

You’re here as well.

yep i dont claim to be high quality though do i ?

so what is your point?

just another lame attempt to provoke and troll.

there is legitimately probably less than 1000 high quality posts in this thread.

“There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict. Walk away; the battle they are fighting isn’t with you, it is with themselves.”

Some wise words for Christmas day :grinning:

I also have beer :beers:


Incorrect, it’s 7198 high quality posts.


Hail with the Innkeepers


yeah i think your idea of quality is questionable.

I don’t think so.

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well obviously not as you claimed as such :man_facepalming:

will say , Punyelf is a high quality poster in this thread as well.

not a active or regular one … but a high quality one.

starney was up there too … but he let the ball slip a lot recently with the hatred and trolling and feigning ignorance.



but yeah enough about quality.

Funny name haha

My favorite Christmas pastry is called “wasp nests”. They are filled with vanilla cream and rum.


Vanilla cream and rum you say… :thinking:
Sound delicious


Great song.


Thanks but… not sure who the food MVP really is.

I’d say Puny myself, with her Saturday lunch pics.

Regular like me, but less active these days. Think she’s busy playing the game :thinking:

The rum makes it sting huh :smirk:


you are more active in this thread than she is by a long way.

that is what i meant :slight_smile:

that is why i rated you higher.

you have quality and quantity . being the third highest poster in this thread.

Yes I know - have the 3rd most post count - more like, I’m more about quantity here, and she’s about quality. Her food pics are one of a kind :sweat_smile:

Buuuut, that’s what restaurants are supposed to do, to please you with even the looks of the food, let alone the taste.

I mainly post whatever I happen to find on the web or the concoctions I brew up and not burn :rofl:

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