Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Uvall the guy which has been repeating the same grudge against me for over a year telling me i cant let things go …

so rich.

You are a good man
Tho’ feeding a Troll and reinforcing its self delusions are a bit counterproductive to that goal in my humble oppinion :roll_eyes:
But I guess the the end justifies the means…? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


you and you very small circle of friend here are all you’ll ever have honestly…

you all deserve each other lol.

Exaggerate much? My first post was Aug 30… Unless “year” is a figure of speech again :wink:

He’s too far gone anyway :rofl:

It does! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


ur also feeding me kentarro …

are you that oblivious.

here let me make it easy for you to understand as you seem to struggle…

top 3 LIST OF PEOPLE FEEDING THE ‘troll’<— (questionable)


i wonder if any of them were on my list of name and shame ??


Like Erevien
Echoes in an empty room
Would be sad if I would care about such things
Now Starney said this spamming-flaging is going since the morning, so either he will recieve a perma ban, or a really long one like poor Twiluna… so I guess he is aiming for going out with “balze of glory” dragging the thread with him, but since most of us actually abandoned the thread and have him on ingore, it is quite pointless; his only “audience” is Wolfy, maybe Robo and you :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
We already have our new one, but still have fondness to the foodie thread of Tésla


I’ll let him crash and burn in silence for now then.

Doubt he’ll be gone for long anyway, nowhere else to go…


hmm nah erevien is literally a wow psychopath…

i have nothing to do with wow … and outside of this forum.

im actually pretty liked and decent…

go figure.

strange how im not liked on one of the most antisocial forums in gaming history lol…


be grateful i have a little class. and dont go taking it to other threads like others do :slight_smile:

oh yes i could be a whole lot worse than i apparently am …

im such a bad guy … :open_mouth:


hmm i actually have a date tonight :slight_smile:

and a 2 parties before new years eve.

not to mention i need ot help a good friend of mine move into his new house in january.

that and i got to keep up appearances with my gym team.

not to mention chill out with my skating buddies. :wink:

i can still have a good life and suffer from severe depression.

who knew.

call them out on feeding and they stop …

(look at my post in the smile thread)

so funny.


yes. we had great time here. as gandalf said once

So passes Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe), son of Do NOT delete this thread .
And so pass also the days of the forum that you have known; for good or evil they are ended.


i have a theory you will be making new ones for a long time to come with the people who post in it :wink:

'Bear away from this unhappy place your comrades who have fallen. And we will bear the memory of Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe), son of Do NOT delete this thread, to a place where it can sleep in peace, or die if that be its doom.’


Go in peace!* *I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.


will say this all would of been avoided had u all decided to talk civilised with me.

no instead you all decided to persist and troll and continue the same pattern, opting to chain flag 18 times…

rather than talking it out.

it shows exactly the type of people you are.

i would of not spammed the message repeatedly had you approached me better.

you all have yourselves to blame for not seeing the lesson i was teaching you.

If this goes down I definitely won’t forget it.

2k+3.1k+9.1k which is… ~14.2k posts mostly full of foodie goods, in just half a year! Shows there’s always a market for tasty goods out there.

Have some kossack hats, btw!


good luck with the next one without the two top posters though :slight_smile:

i genuinely mean that not being funny or trolling or anything.

got a feeling you’ll take a lil longer to reach that number again.

if i wasent trolled to all hell and targeted by hatred so much , my post count would be 2000 by now :wink:

and much more positive.

keep in mind i havent really posted here in a couple month besides the last 2 days and still num 1

Quality >>> Quantity. Always. :mage:

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