Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

I wasn’t this active on the forums when he was still here…but I remember his posts fondly, always interesting to read.


Same here, and I’m sad for it.

Became active yesteryear summer and barely half a year would pass when he died. Really a tragedy, he was a legend here.


i knew him for a while contrary to popular belief

i been on this forums for multiple years.

but hey death is a part of life it comes to all eventually.

he was a decent person and it’s sad he passed, but cannot dwell on that forever i don’t think even he would want people to do as such.

i hope you all move on eventually.

anyway im going now :slight_smile:

i wont be back.


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it was one of the reasons i was in the (secret) discord.

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Alrite, see you tomorrow!


Just in time for your date! :slight_smile:


This for sure.

still on that date mate.

you know you can post without a pc right?

Weird, usually when you type from your phone the first letters of a phrase are capital. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


And he’s back again… Another lie :rofl:



I remember I really wanted the crown as well specifically to resemble a character, although mine wasn’t an assassin rather a Queen.

I was sooo happy when I got it. I’m glad you are too.


who said anything about a phone ? :slight_smile:

anyway time to hit the sack :wink:


Mumbles something about not needing two hands free for that type of “date”

Coffee!! And paracetamol!! :grin:



You folks have serious issues lol…

a old acquaintance, heard i was alone on Xmas, they also knew i lost my mum on Xmas eve 2 years ago.

they were also alone this year for xmas.

so we both decided to give each other company for the night.

i hope you all recover from the mental trauma i’ve obvious caused you.

this is twiggz btw

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…and another name to the ignore list
For a healthy breakfast
:croissant: :milk_glass:


this is a kind of magic.

i did the same last new years day.

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i don’t really understand what these haters think they achieve by bragging about adding me to ignore or not seeing the posts etc…

just makes them look even more pathetic if you ask me…

here you go Kentarro another you can add free of charge .

i was actually logged out of the forums but their pathetic trolling/provoking brought me back, and that char was the one it defaulted to.


Yeah was more of a mutual agreement neither of us wanted to spend it alone really, so it made sense.

also got to catch up with them which was nice.


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Before I add this char to ignore…

I spent yesterday with my family, having a great time opening gifts (I got a new handbag!!) And eating good food and drinking just a little bit too much beer (my soar head this morning is testament to that) and building Lego sets with my young son and helping him read some of the new books he got and helping my eldest plan how they were going to spend the vouchers they got whilst they also helped me cook the huge Christmas dinner we had.

You spent the day on the wow forums having a breakdown, posting about how people “hate” you, naming people and personally attacking them and then crying about how you were getting flagged “unfairly”. The people who are out to get you changes more than you change your underwear but the theme of you being persecuted remains the same… And even on Christmas day… So I think it is time you had a good long look in the mirror and asked yourself who it is who is truly suffering some mental torture. Perhaps seek some help now, show your posts from yesterday to your Dr, they will refer you to the right people.

And now it is about time for some bacon sandwiches, more coffee and perhaps some fancy Christmas biscuits with my young son before we go build the Eiffel Tower :tokyo_tower:


honestly i dont care what you have to say really.

you already blew that chance…

to think i actually never ignored you … for longer than a few hours

i thought you were the type of person to eventually move on from things, i was proven wrong.