Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

You are the one who can’t keep away, even after several times claming, that will be your last post, so I’ve heard
Thanks for the heads up on the name, off to the list with it - sadly not Bnet or IP ignore, would save us some time :thinking:
Now crawl back under your rock

I like my coffee like I like my women; Irish :smirk:

I smell a cute christmas story!


if you slander me and try to provoke me behind my back when im not here (i was gone)

i will come back…

if you really want me gone yourself.

you would simply stop.

and i would have no reason to come back.

blame me all you like…

but its your own faults i am here right now

Sure, why not.

Actually, after you “left” last night no one mentioned you anymore, a part from Afenton one hour ago.

So I’m not sure where you saw all that trolling or provoking. :man_shrugging:

and go and read what they said and tell me if it was negative or positive about me ?

its all i get from the people in this thread.

they are worse than i am.

they just dont see it.

I didn’t… I just made a joke about one handed dates, nothing to do with “them”

I know, it was the only semi-“related” thing that happened since he “left”.

That’s what I meant.

they openly harassed me…

i have a right to reply if i want to.

aint a darn thing anyone can do about it.

not the first or last time you made those jokes at my expence sorry but dont play innocent.

I added an egg to my bacon sandwich :drooling_face: nothing like a good bacon and egg sandwich to soak up a hangover lol

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what should happen if they are a decent person is they should apolguise to me for making that remark, there was no call for it, and given the cirumstances they knew the result it would have.

but they probably wont will they?

and even if they do now it’s worthless as i said this.

I could suggest to use em to buy the new mog in the shop? Its for sure a quality choice!

if you want an advice from someone who was attacked by half the forums early 2022 because i mentioned bullying against muslims and disabilities, is to simply log out of the forums and never look back. even if its for a few months 3 or 5 months.

it saved me big time! i felt happier and healthier. i spent time with family and loved ones and healed on my own. i also learned not to leacture the forums on what is right or wrong, even if it was wrong what i saw. this is very important

best thing to do on a forums is to stay neutral

good luck :heart:

i love doing that with my niece. children really do brighten a house, without my niece the pandemic would have been awful and boring


heh its not half the forums… its just 4 - 7 spiteful people who apparently do no wrong.

yet harass me on a near daily basis for over a year.

im a pretty tolerant and forgiven person.

but they persist.

so there is no end and i wont stop coming till they move on and stop.

They were steam vouchers, they don’t currently play wow although are considering coming back if uni chills out next semester.

I suggested saving them for Hogwarts: Legacy but them steam put their sale on yesterday so they’ve probably found some goodies there.

They got me blizz vouchers for my bday which I did spend on the new store mog :grin:


Out of context: you are a really friendly and positive poster anizah! Thanks to post.


Missed Anizah too, like Twiluna loved to read their posts


i say one last thing, what comes around goes around, they dont know it but they have bad times ahead after this past year.,

have fun with that.


Belated Happy Xmas :slight_smile: hope you all had a good one :christmas_tree:


same to you.