Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

There are no Holidays without this bad boy here:


He is a good boi!

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I just had it for lunch and will have the rest for dinner. :yum:

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is that what the British call Shepherd’s pie? ive never had it, but i have heard of it.

That’s a beef wellington!!

Sheppard’s pie is mince lamb with a gravy sauce and herbs topped with mash potato.

You can make if with mince beef but then it is called cottage pie.

Both variants are tasty but I don’t like lamb so stick with the mince beef version.

I’ve never tried making beef wellington either, my culinary skills aren’t good enough to attempt it.


We call it “crusted ham” (by google translate from Italian), there are many variants. This one (photo is from google though) was with puff pastry, but you can use pizza dough as well. And for the filling, you can use ham or any other meat type you want, really.

Beef Wellington is a fancier version of this with more ingredients, afaik.


With a light pink sangiovese, valpolicella or zinfandel I hope…?
Oh my!

It looks like a roasted calf


sheperds pie is mince meat and mash potato.

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We still had the Rioja “Faustino” I gifted to my parents for Christmas. It was delicious! From 2016! I also bought one from 2011, for New Year’s Eve. :wine_glass:

We usually drink Italian, French or Swiss wines, but I thought that for the Holidays we could try something different. :slight_smile:


So we all have a version of a joint of meat in pastry but called something different?

Of course the British have to be weird about it and call it after some General who probably died long before it was ever a thing :joy:


im guessing…

it originated from the easy food which was around for farmers back in the early days…

potato’s and meat.

we dont have anything similar here, so its very unique to see a meat inside a dough like that. European food is always unique, my favorite being italian of course

our native food is usually saffron rice with chicken/lamb, spiced potato stew, sea food, and saffron+cardemom cakes.

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Had you simply stayed away like you said you would, you wouldn’t even have seen this terrible “harassment” (which is actually just a joke) but instead here you are again just like everyone knew you would be. Your weak will is predictable.

I bet you take calls on speaker and claim people listen in as well.

By the end of 2023 you’ll be fat again and blame the forums too.

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At first I thought it was from New Zealand. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

We have this in Italy and Southern Switzerland as well! It’s from Milan originally but it has many variants. Risotto alla Milanese (allo zafferano) :yum:


If you ever make your way to England I will make you a cottage pie, that is one dish I am really good at! Even my fussy little lad eats it :joy:


we did have a tradition since the 1970’s to travel to England during the summer vacation. Its how my mum survived the invastion of Kuwait in 1990. but 4 of her cousins died who lived in the same house.

ever since my grandma passed away in 2000’s, the tradition kinda stopped. it was her favorite place and thats why they go there every summer and sometimes winter vacation


Ran out of likes… but actually I was thinking about switching permanently to a low level character here on the forums. :eyes:

i always loved middle east food. ive visited many muslim countries in my travelling adventures and i was always fed when i left the table. the only thing i dont like are sweets but i guess is a matter of taste.

my mom til i was at home did it every week. it was really good but i guess now im a bit “burned out” so i tend to avoid it when i see it in a menu.
but ppl comin in milan MUST try it.


i suppose its time for me to leave the forums as well then… if you ask me personally…

see you tomorrow


Try Tunisian pastries!

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