Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

yes… i quarreled with some people ina thread and received a ban of 24h with subsequent tl3 lost… a pity.


I avoid most of the threads nowadays because it just isn’t worth it. Too much hatred around.


I think that also ties in with what i said.

There would be maybe less hatred if people wouldn’t take everything serious and could just laugh about things.

(I don’t mean everything, but there is too much things happening that are just laughable and not worth any bad thoughts or nerves)

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Why insult this nice class, we are the coolest out there :sparkles:



Was it a bad year? :frowning_face:

Sadly being offended seems to be a new hobby for some.


It’s not their Hobby.

More like their whole personality.

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ppl sometimes think wow forum is facebook… so put the hatred, the pain and the miserable life they are doin, here. A pity and a shame.
I, like most of us, have problems and difficulties but try (when is possible) to avoid to reverse all my misery here. Just to have a clean and safety zone.


And then blame everyone here for it all :joy:

Some people are just negativity and will always drain the room :woman_shrugging: better to just place people like that on ignore and hope they eventually seek the help they desperately need.


They never will do
On the other hand, I don’t care about their wellbeing, so…
Life find a way to balance things out

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Shhhh! Don’t summon them! :eyes:


I hope think the mods saged the place of bad vibes for us :herb:

But just in case…


if you want good vibes … let me tell you about when i was in the alps… fighting grizzly bears … i used my magical fire breath and saved the maidens fair…

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You’re Brian Boitano?

Honestly I’m going to do the same. It’s not worth it.

But I can’t help myself sometimes especially if I see someone recommending a mosque in-game, I have to comment that not all Muslims want that :rofl:

Indeed, especially this week. It’s Christmas and New Years, you would think people will be in better spirit.

Anyway, I’ve been leveling my pandaren mage lately and taking a break from the Dracthyr a bit.

It’s nice not to play my hunter and mess around with some alts, shadowlands didn’t really give us the opportunity to play with alts


Also… don’t jinx this calm pretty please :smile:

Now let’s have some nice breaded meat with fries:


We have a similar tradition of burning scented wood to get away the evil eye (envious people)

We also use it to make the house smell nice. Sometimes during weddings.

I wonder if it’s related to the Sage thing :thinking:

It’s shown here

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Tell me about it
Aganist my better judgement, I always ends up in the middle of a silly argument with idiots :roll_eyes:
…and always forgot Mr. Twain’s word: " Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"

Sounds like a plan


Possibly, it is supposed to cleanse out negative spirits/vibes so people burn it in new houses or “haunted” houses or places where their is a lot of negative energy. These forums could do with a pyre of sage burning permanently :joy:


'Tis not the season, but let’s bolster a fire.