Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

On a unrelated note it snowed here yesterday, which is very very rare.

Accompanied by rain and extremely loud thunder. The whole house was disturbed.

My baby niece especially started crying as she was asleep.

Typical Desert winter I guess

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Nah, might be related to climats change.

After the wildfires and the extreme dryness of this summer I’m not even surprised this happens :sweat_smile:

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Our neighboring countries have a cloud rain machine maker, which might contribute to global warming as well.

These days the elders can’t predict the weather as they used to.

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20 Copper Coin of the Isles or 2 Silver coin of the isles to go into step 2 for Otto (Fun fact, Otto in italian Means 8)


The 100 fish from the tuskar vilage is easy, almost every 2nd or 3rd cast
The 25 from the lava near the citadel is nastier; every 10 or so brought me a fish
The last, from the waters near the Academy? 1 lousy fish… took me ~300 cast :unamused:
But Otto is badass :sunglasses:

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really??? here in northern italy (plain) we have 8 degrees and in the south around 20°

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Yup. It was a mix of snow and rain, but mostly rain.

The south of the country had more snow than the capital/ middle area.

Then the cloud storm was pushed to Iran where majority of the snow went.

It was around 9 Celsius but we still got snow. It looked like Narnia yesterday in the south haha

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Same here, and yesterday it was even warmer (11-12°)

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i know in jordan there was a flooding. I remember in iran the elburz mountains with snow in april.

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Honestly, I think the circle of believers lessen with each passing day. I couldn’t name a single acquaintance that goes to church or keeps themselves to… fasting in English, I think? When you steer clear of meat before Easter.

Similarly, I doubt everyone at the Mid East would pray 5x a day.


in us the religious thematic is unfortunately more “pressing” and bein blizz american is somethin they have to check with care.

I’m trying to find some shoulders that match with the Pandaren starter robes, probably mission impossible. I’m waiting since 10 years for this moment!

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What’s that robe? Also you’re planning to use it on your main or an alt?

It’s the gear you get as a Pandaren while leveling. Starney was born in the Wandering Isle (with another name XD) and I always kept this gear because I loved it so much.

It’s cloth so probably just my mage. There are also a blue and a green variant, not really something that a warlock would wear, maybe a shadow priest.

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i really love it! is it still available to get? since white gear will be transmogabble, i need to collect it for my pandaren mage

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It is! I checked it on the PTR. You get all the variants while leveling. :blush:

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nice! i started leveling a new pandaren mage to get the robes. i forgot how fun the pandaren starting zone is

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Yes, it’s very fun! Remember to keep the items just in case, I noticed that on the PTR the white items get added to your wardrobe only after you wore them (even quest rewards).

I’m doing the same, I only kept the robes but there are other parts of the set I want to collect.

I recreated my mage the same like he was created in 2012, the nostalgia! :panda_face:

The original name (Szechwan) was also still available. I used to post with this character a lot, but it was an old version of the forums that is not more available. :frowning:


After having 3 silver coins and 13 copper coins of the isles, i was able to find a new technique to fish lunker more efficiently: Using the “Sleepwalk” Talent of Evokers make the sharks less hard to catch and they get dragged more easy out of water.

my first Test subject of the “Sleepwalking fish operation” Gave me both a silver coin and a copper one. and then i fished another copper and got the glasses.

right now i’m dancing with the buff that expires in less than 30 sec, and then i can go to the “Fill the Bucket” stage!


Good night everyone! :sleeping: