Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

:scream: This thread even ruins cats with salad!!!


When he showed that picture, then I said “What the?! I don’t wanna see it”



O Domine,
Dona mihi serenitatem accipere res quae non possum,
Fortitudinem mutare res quae possum,
Atque sapientiam differentiam cognoscere

Now I am going to be replaced as a New King


Not my kidneys- or god help anyone who has my liver :laughing::laughing:

as… What?

Don’t mind me…

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try singing this to your cat and see what happens :heart:

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this video makes me die laughting for some reason :joy:

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So you dont mind alcohol poisoning lol

I will take small bites
The difference between poison and medicine is in the dose

Well Serenity Prayer is brooding I guess :thinking:

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

Not the bigest fan of this version tho’; it is bad in several ways (the first line is missing the word “change”; the infinitives are not good Latin; the verbs in the relative clauses should be subjunctive; and the word choices are mostly unidiomatic translationese)
I prefer:

O Domine, dona mihi animi aequitatem, ut quae mutare non possim, clementer feram; ac fortitudinem, ut quae mutare possim, mutem; ac sapientiam, ut haec ab illis discernam.

So replace serenitas, which is mostly used as a description of weather, with a more idiomatic phrase animi aequitatem “serenity of mind”. A little looser, but probably more natural Latin, would be aequum animum “a serene mind”. For “accept” in the sense of “endure without struggling”, the usual word is fero, often with some adverb such as clementer “gently”. And for “know the difference” a more natural Latin expression is something like “tell the former from the latter”, which is what haec ab illis discernam means.
To be freer yet, I think it sounds better with the order of the first two parts reversed

O Domine, dona mihi fortitudinem, ut quae mutare possim, mutem; ac aequum animum, ut quae non possim, clementer feram; ac sapientiam, ut haec ab illis discernam.

It has a more… natural flow, don’t you think?

Okay, that was a bit “poof” for my brain, but it’s quite a decent explanation on the other hand, for anyone who has some actual Latin knowledge (unlike me who has forgetten it since uni…)

Well thanks anyways :sweat_smile:

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Well… That doesn’t sound like the most impressive voice acting in all honesty… Still cool to notice the language, though.

i suck at dungeon. i understand isnt my cup of tea. wiped 7 times at sorm boss nokhud m0+. i just cant understand the tactic

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my latin stretches as far as butterflies and some spiders these days

Good morning. Last day of a pretty meh year, I dearly hope 2023 will be a lot better.


Good morning and yes lets hope 2023 is a good year for all :slight_smile: