Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

wait WHAT?

Some weird reference for the drama when this thread was reopened during fall.


i thought my posts were flagged and i didn’t get notification, good thing it’s not what i thought :relieved:

Also, After eating the spicy chicken wings and clean up everything. i got on my main Raid character and went in to destroy raszageth, and SUCCEDED!!!

Robokiller reign successfull


well done! the chicken probably helped. bird meat is great :poultry_leg:

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Yes! The buff of

helps alot!

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All posts on the forum where the flag has been for the last week are only associated with your profile …defacto in each is a representation of other profiles commenting on the post. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s about you but it’s pretty sus.

weird, all i do is try to be polite around here and comment my opinions/ask questions in a civil way. i didn’t even notice that.

We have noted your concern and will release the results soonTM

Anyway, it’s going to be some stuck-up …with multiple characters, not you. But I’ll work that out with my friends :slight_smile:

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sorry but i can’t understand you fully sometimes, may it be that i am not native english.

You have been chosen for your code cracking skill and that is all you really need to understand… :grimacing:

What is your native language?

for the other thread?

Italian! :pizza:

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/e Nods in secret code


I remember when that happened to Pali. He was like “so long suckers” and off to live his life in fame :grinning: Where the hell is Pali anyway… ??

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anyway, im going to go to bed. Goodnight all!

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La maggior parte dei post che sono stati segnalati di recente sono associati al vostro nome. La stragrande maggioranza delle persone che commentano i post sono diverse da voi. Pertanto, vengono segnalati da voi o da qualcuno che utilizza più caratteri (characters).

No idea, but I saw him briefly outside ICC when I did a mount run with Alysea once.

But that was months ago by now :smile:

He always announced when he was leaving, but I think he was posting less and less so maybe just got tired of the forums.

Miss you buddy if you get to read this!

yes in fact i thought to see some pali posts weeks ago. i hope hell come back. even i have to recognize forum is goin down in quality lately. Probably without this thread i would stop to post (but not to spot ;))