Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

yes especially on humans. i find humans very bad when we talk about face or similar.


Why, I love the makeup they received with SL and the Long hairstyle.

Mine just looks lovely.

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As I still have to work this night (but thankfully, I get quite a bit of rest from the morning!), I looked up some late night food.

The result is satisfying. :drooling_face:


Im takin a break from forum. This place is become a hive of miserable and losers. Sometimes ill come here to say hello to you all but outside the rotten smell is unbearable.
Ill come just here.


You are 100% right. I’m also taking a little break from these forums. Not leaving or anything, but yeah, not feeling like posting a lot these days.

Well, croissants and brioches for everyone are guaranteed of course:

Good night!


It is pretty sick
I’m glad Brigante don’t have to see this
Tho’ he would probably steamroll these [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [heavily redacted]
We will miss you Tèsla :cry:
But will be here when you come back

Dunkiee and me and the others will keep the flame alive
Well at least untill my unavoidable ban that is


dont blame you both. I thought about having a break for a while now, since christmas. but this thread and food pics keeps me coming back.

i deleted discord and reddit a year ago to avoid drama, and its really sad to see drama/trolls on the forums.

Anizah will hibernate and come back later for Lunar festival because my dyslexic arss will need help to farm the flower crowns

bye :wave:

:pizza: :hamburger: :stuffed_flatbread: :fries:




Good luck, I hope you’ll manage to get them this time!

Our frens mentioned on Discord something they’d just ignore the other threads for safety, by the way :thinking: if it’s really so, we won’t lose them.

Will do!

prepares Holy Fire

Even this way we’d still have 3 regulars who can post anything.


I’m sorry that y’all are dealing with this trolling and toxic behaviour to a point of wanting to take a break, but it’s totally ok to take 1.

I hope that you all will get the stress off while you aren’t here thought! ^^

Here are some pics before y’all go!:


Just came back from a break and now people are leaving for a break. So unfair. :wink:

A break will do you good. Enjoy it!


Have We met Minck for the past 10 months?

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that bird is vulper druids travel from :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dunno mate. Most notice me only when I start biting ankles.


I recall a thread was removed back then. Oh no, I forgot the topic name entirely

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None of you should leave , i know it can be tough but you are doing exactly what he wants. You leave and he wins, i used to like and respect Clown until he started believing that other persons lie’s and supported him by calling us bullies and trolls. Truth be told most of us had the other person on ignore for months and had not engaged with them at all but he has now seen fit to make endless clones and spam likes and troll.

He once told me to grow up even when i had not said anything but his actions now are some of the most child like i have seen on these forums and i will not give into a child like that.

We all saw how his friend had a meltdown on xmas day and that was with nobody talking to him for a long while yet somehow we are to blame , anyways Clown carry on being you and try your best to have your little “win” but your actions only make us stronger and care less about you.


Mine is not exactly a break, I’m just posting less… :eyes:

Anyway, happy Epiphany (Befana in Italy and Ticino)! :broom:
Just had polpettone (meatloaf) to lunch (and will have the rest for dinner). Enjoy! :yum:


no, that’s Pepe


Shortly before, yes, he used to comment left and right, but not too often I think.

Indeed not, even though it isn’t the best tool it’s simpler to ignore people who you don’t like. And I just laugh at the clone likes, it’s hilarious :rofl: