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Tomb Raider bossfight flashbacks

Thanks for those sweets up there… and good afternoon :sleeping:

finally with the ridiculously easy TW im levelling the shammy. its always a pleasure. i wanted him like main but i was lazy so i levelled destro and huntard first (and fury but just beacuse it has some beautiful mog). ele is mighty and fun. I hope to use it like main in the 2nd half of exp.


Good moanin’

Indeed it is a bit funny, ow easy the bosses melt
Not complainin’ tho’
I will level up a few alts of my own in the vain hope, that trice cursed Infinite Timereaver drops


This actually makes me smile. I love easy stuff and especially since I haven’t found enough time for wow this week


i have it and believe me. is ugly. and shhhhh dont let soul hear you!

good morning! finally tomorrow ill back to hike!!


Yeah, really happy about it. Finally gonna level my Hunter.

Was also thinking about making a Dracthyr healer, but I always get stuck on their creation screen making scale/horns color combos and then unable to pick which looks best, I give up.


Goodmorning all!

i am leveling up my alts to 70, the ones i had at 60 last xpac ^^
started by my Marksman Hunter, he’s currently at 68 and i’m gonna try a new leveling technique that i found out, something about Cobalt assembly elites that give ALOT of Xp!
(some leveled from 60 to 70 with this method in less than 2 HOURS!!!)


Good morning all together,

was also reading about that.
Tell us how it went!

Also anybody tried to level up via time walking from 60-70?

Is it worthwhile?


Really??? interesting

im doin with shammy. i was rested and from 61 to 63 a dungeon filled 2\3 of the bar. now im 66 and is almost half.
Very quick in any case.


Noice, than I’m going to level up my Warrior this weekend.

Thanks for the info :ok_hand:

Good thing tomorrow we have a free tomorrow in Germany.

Hope you guys and gals are doing good out there.

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same! unfortunately theres no snow where ill go to hike.


Man…i miss hiking.
I’m so relieved when I’m finally done with my new house and moved in.

More sport and . more free time again.

Luckily at the end of the month, we should be already on our new home.


its a time for house changing. even starney changed home last month.
I have to say actually im enjoyin mine and if my houseowner (a friend of mine) dont throw me out ill stay here for a while.
Like latins said: “hic manebimus optime”


It’s either this, or be as lucky as my cousin who got it at the end of his first TW dungeon :sweat_smile:

So the news are true. Hmm… if I get bored of classic leveling (which has the xp buff) I’ll check this out.

TW ought to be up more often, by the way…

Finally, last day at work and then some rest… :sleeping:


One shooting bosses with a funy trinket is indeed nice
At least the warriors love it :thinking:


Souly found a nice new pillow for himself!

I too am in love. That’s one fiery hot redhead dragonqueen right there!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The Lipstick :thinking:

Me thinks my hunter needs some…… to hunt men


This… I always have red lips on my belves (unless I use dark ranger customs, when it’s black).

Their makeup won me over back in the day. I was originally playing hooman and nelf females only at first and then… bam, Thalassians top both combined by a mile!


I don’t like the face that’s matched with the red lip.

If I can pair face number 4 or 5 with the red lip, perfection

I’m too picky I guess :rofl:


I only have this in Classic where the eyes just look weird - but I took it anyways because I love red lips. :smiling_face_with_tear: (And red nails too for the matter. Instant love.)

But then faces were really 2004-looking so like 144p. See for yourself.

That said… we could use a lot more customisations, but it’s all on Blizz as WoW can’t be modded.