Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

good morning

this is hilarious

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This was scary as hell as a little kid
On par with Night on Bald Mountain from Fantasia
Disney made some dark stuff

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meh ive seen darker.

Courage the Cowardly dog, from cartoon Network for example

my mom even asked how was this approved for kids lmao

I mean the given era’s standards
And holly hell, yes, Courage villains were actual scary villains, or just random not even bad guys
The episode where Eustace had to grow something or the spirit of the harvest kills them were distrubing with that bald pale white ghost face :grimacing:

very scary… i remember watching it at night as a little kid and then ran to my mom’s room crying haha

When i was a kid i was scared by “bisby and nimh secret”. It was from don bluth and all was soooo dark.
Nice one the forsaken death

That was my favorite Cartoon Network show.

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In italian is “leone il cane fifone!”. I know him!! I had to translate it to understand who was.

Good morning!


If I were a bit older to have seen it…

I first tuned into the channel as a 3rd grader in… 2007 or 2008 maybe. It was Scooby Doo on screen for the time being but I grew to love it :smile: then there was Foster’s Imaginary Friends House or KND, Total Drama left and right… but no Courage, I only heard tales of him. Wasn’t so lucky.

Morning everyone :sleeping:

i’m hoping everyone had a good week. i got some good workouts and an improvement in conditions at my job. now it is time to boogie down and enjoy some kebab pizza!


I hope Naughtyboi is back! :kissing_heart:

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Said no one ever…


On the other hand, it’s 6 more weeks for our favorite redhead. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

6 more weeks to say mean things about his wig without consequences you mean? :laughing:

I know how long his first post is going to be and it’s gonna be revenge for all my comments.


With A through D paragraphs, a Soulclaimer RP session, as well as fresh lemon scent. Oh and the Many Dark Tales of Souldefiler, Issue No. 1, Part 57!


Poor lad is reading the forums thinking of all the things he could be saying and can’t :laughing:


Why is twiggz seen if he said this is last post for him to visit forum?

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This is a low quality bait to spark drama - again - even from you Wolfy :unamused:



{insert no one cares gif}