Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

edit. im not able to switch. so im using this on pc and the mage from mobile. annoyin

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general Kenobi.

seems the week is off to a bad start if people can’t log in properly. maybe the forum staff just needs to stretch a bit and have a cappucino

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Good morning. I can’t switch characters either.


I too tried it for curiosity, but it doesn’t work.

Talking work… when it’s done, I’ll grab a pair of Kürtőskalács aka chimney cakes for home.

There’s a vendor here currently so… worth all the bucks!


Tried switching characters too, even though I only post on this one and it also does not work for me.

Lovely, we are char-locked


Seems the problem is still there.

Good morning y’all.

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wow is the perfect wotlk pally style. were you at the wrathgate too?

EDIT: i opened a ticket. isnt so important but maybe…

You can bet that i was there.

Got pretty much bis equipment too XD
Got my necklace from the malygos quest yesterday.

Looking forward to ulduar this week.


Not much point opening tickets for forum bugs as Blizzard can’t do much for the discourse software. Usually when the forums start having a lot of bugs a big (ish) update follows and we see a few hours/couple of days of them going into “read only” but not actually being read only it’s just the update doing its stuff.

Blizzard might put up a blue post saying the forums will be unavailable due to maintenance if they are going to be offline for any extended time but I think that’s only happened once since they switched to discourse.

The whole thing is really on the software and not Blizzard though.

Now if you want to give Blizzard a bit of a nudge to sort out the armory… :grinning:

I’m not. Maybe it’s a problem with Europe region specifically?

I did face this problem many moons ago tho

Anyway I’m BORED can Lunar festival come any sooner :rofl:

Yep…. It works

This is Anizah

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I’m still char-locked
Not that I mind
There are fates wy worse than stuck on my favorite Vulpera

Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it… it isn’t worth the ban…

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:gun: :fox_face:

You are knot nice

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When i see vulperas my inner Warhammer 40k inquisitor screams inside is me…

“Purge those filthy rats!”

Need to play vermintide again…

W vulpera! dignity to all the low races! Dwarves, goblin, vulpera and … ahem… mmm… (gnomes) UNITE against the common enemy!

I’m not low
Thanks to Dunkiee we are quite high :smirk:

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