Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Nice. Thanks, isnt simple to enter in w world. Ill give a shot to dow and im Reading 1st book if horus.
I need some fresh air ans somethin new. Lets see.
Thanjs again!!

Robo: same. Blocked for copyright.


Yeah and I’m king George V ;x

Still char-locked, while Anizah is harassed with likes by an army is fools :unamused:


yes and afenton too… dunno why… im still locked with this here and with mage tesla on mobile.
Good morning guys!

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Haha I was going to open a ticket, but I’m sure they will laugh at me and do nothing. “Oh your being harassed by likes? The horror!”

I mean it’s a bit more than that. This person is using the Anizah clone to like political threads and I don’t like that.

Pretty sure that’s identity theft too.


this reminds me the gamesbook (the ones like lone wolf) of my youth. there was a series by steve jackson where you had to avoid (you were the hero with a sword named excalibur jr) a room where tiny cute pet stayed and try to reach you to nestle you. but being 10000000 you were at risk to be slain by them.

Of after this really hard english quote i can go pack my things and go to dentist. Yesterday ive eaten indian food full of garlic. hell be veeeeery happy about that.


Hahahaha :rofl:

Reminds me of Shawarma where the main ingredient is garlic sauce.

I’ve been graving it lately. But still recovering from food poisoning and don’t trust restraunts just yet.


When an incel discovers how hot Anizah and I are in real life they do things like that to try get our attention. We can’t help being so fabulous :nail_care:


really? when?? sorry if you wrote it already.

If this is the measurement of a lady being hot, I’d accept a different approach from any would-be consorts…

No worries. It happened in early December I think.

I got food poisoning from a Halloum sandwhich with avocado on the side. Never thought I would get food poising from something like this. It was wet tho, as if dropped in a toilet.

I also got some stomach issues two weeks ago, so started eating healthy with junk food being only once a week. I cannot abandon pizza :smile:

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I wish. I look like a typical Mediterranean dude. Nothing special.

I’ve gotten Italian, Lebanese, Greek, and even Mexican. None of them is true, but I do love these cultures so I’m flattered.

Hardly a would be consort :joy:

Still fabulous enough to be stalked by an incel :joy:


Regarding the Lunar quests I recall each flower crown sends you to collect flowers around Azeroth, is this quest timed?

If it is timed, does anyone know where the flowers are located so I can plan ahead

Otherwise I should be fine if it’s not timed

Ah true! I hope you could restart to trust in restaurants soon :slight_smile:


Uh, I don’t think it’s timed, or it has a forgiving timer at least :sweat_smile:

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Thank goodness. One of the flowers is located in Eversong woods and I’m a Alliance Druid, going to be a long flight :rofl:

All the likes on this are creepy and very very very very petty.

That’s a lot of wasted time for something that… Sad :rofl:


Tesla is hot irl too :joy: