Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Lmao Vulpera and High elves might be the two most hated races on the forums.

We need to protect them at all cost.

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It’s just a few boops after all. They can take it.

Some say Dark Irons are evil. We are just pragmatists. Thefts have increase 3000% since the Vulpera joined the Horde. It is creating tensions with the Goblins as they love money more than anything.

gnomes were all already punted out?

Haven’t seen much hate about them ever since the Vulps arrived

I just like to throw a few insults at Mechagnomes sometimes, simply because they offer nothing new to the alliance.

Especially after seeing that Diaper meme on Reddit

And because aside Robo there is only three or four people plays them :thinking:
While the Vulpera?
We are popular!
Sylvanas was wrong
The Horde is not nothing
Foxes and Elves are the Horde!

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I can feel Orgim DoomHammer rolling in his grave

Well he don’t even have one
I think he was speared in the back and then burned with the remains of an Orc internment camp
Hammerfall maybe the palce name where his ashes could swirl at best… :thinking:

wait. wait. wait. wait. foxes for sure. But elves… is just a matter of …commonality of intent. we elves, are strongly independent, you know

…and you are all individuals too, I"m sure


I bought some horus heresy books. I hope it could be a good beginjing to know w40k


This robo has been busy and didn’t have much time to post on this thread! :frowning_with_open_mouth:
but, i found this cute picture online and wanted to post it :smile:

also, i found these foods drawn in Anime style. I’m not a fan of Animes but the food is drawn really well IMO.


I looked up Goulash with the same manner, and this was all I found :smiling_face_with_tear: here’s hoping it will be built on!


Anime food always look great

it says that it’s content it’s locked in my Country LOL

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Hop on doing E-RP in gold shire !


For Warhammer (the fantasy) you can go with the Total Warhammer series. The Vermintides are also good, but not so much for exploring the lore; it’s basically Left 4 Skaven. For Warhammer 40,000 (the sci-fi) there isn’t really a singular source I can recommend, though maybe the Dawn of War series. It has most of the armies represented in the first couple games. Avoid Space Marine. Inquisitor is fairly good, though Empire-centric. The newest Space Hulk turned out pretty good, but again, mostly Empire and Tyranid focused. Necromunda: Hired Gun is a fairly fun shooter, though it mostly explores a very niche part of the 40K setting.


Yes, yes and yes !

I’m not that kind of elf these days…