Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

The HC dungeons are just stupid tuned… If it’s for catch-up , why is it so badly tuned.

As to said , 10 man naxx is a breeze and faster by far.

Gonna help my buddy equip his new toon with that.

I guess it’s Blizz saying it’s the stepping stone for peeps in HC gear and in fact was made for raiders to get extra emblems…

Those who could use the actual gear drops just suffer with it, if they even get inved.

Not mentioning adverts for Naxx and even for HC+ are filled with wisp GS/curve/achi things… I just wanna have fun and an easier gearing alternative, come on!

I feel like this is becoming WrathRetail+.


Anyways, sorry for the rant… I’m just not satisfied with how a good idea was executed. It really feels like too much a buff for minuscule rewards. Bit like retail keys…

Have some heated sandwiches instead!


The worse thing about WOTLK classic is the refusal to use the auto dungeon system, people say it was the downfall of WoW but it helped the smaller realms live a little. Its the players who became unsocial.

Have a great weekend :smiley:


Totally the point! It’s only a hassle and nothing else to have to travel to every dungeon.

That, and the group finder isn’t even like on retail. You can apply to only one group, if you’re ignored, you can’t go for a second or third choice.

Likewise, you only see being inved into a group and the lead has to tell you that it’s for DTK hc when you wanna do a Stratholme+…

Roles are also messy, sometimes I only see 2 healers with one of them being a DPS that changed specs and wasn’t updated.

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What is this “fun” you are talking about? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


fun in never allowed in wow. you have to know that. it was banned after the Punyelf 12-2004 law passed in senate.

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It doesn’t have ducks.

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it was mandatory


How could i miss the ducks !


By not aiming properly…


Because in Classic Blizzard nerfed them so hard, all the Ducks rerolled to Chicken


or turkeys.

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i like Penguins in wow. if only we could tame them (we cant)

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Creamy nice pies, what else! :yum:

Nah, that was Rule #4 about everything being her fault.

I bet she paid the devs well to overtune HC+!

Don’t worry, just kidding. :laughing:

Duck hunt… oh boy, that videogame!!


wait wait wait. there was a specific comma of the 4th rule about fun. i asked to my sister and she confirmed that is still valid. so anyone having fun in game must be purged ato once. Ah the 13th comma include gnomes in ones to be obliterated.


I like penguins overall! Above my “Billy” bookshelf I have a plush penguin that I bought in Barcelona, at the aquarium. It’s almost 20 years old (2004), time flies! :penguin:


same. i remember seeing them at the musuem. The smell was horrible.

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At the zoo in Zurich, in winter, the king penguins are kept outside, and if it’s cold enough they will do a walk together with the guests around the zoo. It’s the cutest thing ever!

(I know, I know, zoos bad, but it’s still cute)