Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

What souly doesn’t show you is the first round when I decimated him :joy:


No you mean Twilight Devastation decimated me and I was babysitting a gnome.

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I miss corruption and azerite gear…

Overloaded with versatility, haste and gutripper azerite talents on top of twilight devastation and mind flay was hilarious!!

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Afenton and soul as bff’s :3 I need to see more of this kinda of stuff Inhales copium

Hope you guys get to kick some mythic and pvp :poop: together!

I only chipped my nail polish in the morning… still, the horror!!

Now I’ve got to remove the paint and redye it, then wait 2 hours till it dries, caring not to hit anything :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Female elf problems…

It’s not THAT bad! Get those far away from me…

That’s what Warcraft Gifs/Memes is for!

We mainly have food and Pepe here.

And my beauty pics about my long red nails and even longer red hair…

Holy {REDACTED}, when did this happen? So many familiar names on both sides of that pitch…

looks angrily at Izhan for not inhaling felweed instead :herb:

Anyways. Since we were fairly inactive lately - I blame work myself, me not dat kind of elf - I’ll dig up some food…

This made me really hungry… :drooling_face:

Oh no… It’s Dunkie and her posetive vibes!! I don’t know how to deal with this! Quickly searches the forums for a negative thread to leach onto Aaargh I’m melting to the posetivity and delicious foods! Damn you do not delete this thread!

Izhan is vanquished by the holy light of posetive vibes

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It’s a secret you will never discover :eyes:

/e hides the plans of the annual forumers pvp battle


What do you mean, PvP happens here daily!

Multiple times even, may I add.

It’s not me you should be scared of.

It’s my dragon form’s Liquid Felweed Breath!!

Also… dinner will be a local variant of Chili con Carne that’s probably best translated to Onion con Carne or sort of.

It’s a similar dish but with onion. Fairly good imo, apart from onions making me cry :cry:

Fitting enough for my 6000th post here…


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When the turkish language uses only O

O means He/she/it

it is genderless

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Now now now!
Let us not jump to conclusions

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just trying to help, dunkie loves lying about it and wouldnt want izhan to start flirting and look the fool… bad enough when soul was doing it

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Hey I’ll flirt with anything in a skirt. Until the dancing starts and its “you need a shave…”

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Nothing wrong with a wee bit of catfishing.

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puts on Renee Artois voice ‘it is idden in ze gateaux in ze château, behind ze candle with ze andle’

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Right, time to flirt someone wearing a scottish skirt…


Fixed it for you…

#1 of the Chaotic Evil code reads as follows:

Thou shalt lie say what thou will, whenever convenient.

And #9 reads as…

Thou shalt pursue all forms of pleasure.


Conclusion, I’m the grand chaotic evil here, not Tesla.

Now let’s get to the fun part where I yell “This city must be purged!!44!4!44!4!” and cast a not so Holy Fire upon every non-believer in pleasure while I’m yelling:

She’s a dwelling place for demons
She’s a cage for every unclean spirit
Every filthy bird and makes us drink
The poisoned wine to fornicate with our kings
Fallen now is Babylon the Great

If you know where this is from, I have bad good news for you…

Ohhhhhh no you just didn’t do that…

Fun fact. I am an actual Highland clan member and actively involved in clan gatherings and activities