Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

We have lost anoher one :frowning:

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oohhh. Congrats! I Don’t really understand this kind of stuff but i think it’s something good.

Let’s make it official…

Why, I’d be happy for him if he found his significant other. Same as for the rest of you and guess the feeling is mutual.

Dating girls is quite a difficult game with how many demands they tend to have.



Mine didn’t last very long. Her mom knew my mom so it was arranged. We had nothing in common.

But still plenty of time.

Plays the music for Stanley


Dating guys is way worse though, the amount of unsolicited {redacted} pics they send and certain types of pics they demand back is just exhausting. The amount that end up blocked for being that type of jerk…


Yep, this isn’t exactly true love, but I wonder if it exists?

Basically, in the old days marriages were made like this so most people would have a partner to ease their life.

Nowadays with sexual freedom however… men mainly have to learn to deal with and play around hypergamy in women, and women need to look out for their biological clock, especially if they want children and a family.

Even worse if your family won’t teach you the ropes as schools here definitely don’t.

If you mess it up, your chances to find someone becomes very difficult if not impossible.

That said women generally have it easier in this field as they get to pick due to male sex drive. :smile:

Ahem… I went a bit too far but I’ve been reading a ton on this lately. So anyways, having someone on at least neutral terms is better than having no one in general, unless you’re really a shy type.

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Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. It worked great for my grandparents and they were happily married until their death.

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Fixed it for ya…


I have found the best way is to simply ask “Do you like black pudding?”

If the answer is yes then the reply is usually “oh great, I’ll see you on Friday night at around 8 at my place. And don’t worry, my kitchen has a wide variety of cooking and cleaning utensils”

If the answer is no I bid them adieu by chasing them down the street in my car.

Evenin all.

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We do this here as well, by asking if the girl can make a good stew (PĂśrkĂślt) with noodles (nokedli, but Kentarro knows this better).

If she can… golly you hit the jackpot.
If she can’t… run Forrest!!

By the way, I’m not fond of the dish myself. It has to do something with my aunt’s cooking, as I don’t like her I didn’t like her cooking so much either and she was the one to mainly make these at home.

However, when my high school crush made it at her place… gosh it was perfection. :drooling_face:

For reference… here.

Evening guys!


Greetings friend


Good morning…


Hey all :sleeping: glad to not have to work, I still have to do my weekly key(s). These workdays tend to last so long :c


Good Afternoon/Morning Starney.

Hope your doing well.

I still haven’t finished Hogwarts Legacy but should finish the game pretty soon. I’m taking my time. Apart from that I’ve been playing a little Sims 4, but haven’t logged in wow in a while.

I need to tho because I’ve heard you can enter Dragon isles for free this week? Can anyone confirm?

Time to tame some ducks on my Hunter.

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Mmm… ducks!


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Bad fox! Bad!


:drooling_face: Not had that in a while.