Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Lies!! It was a lemon, a booterang (to kick strictly himself in the butts) and exactly 10 pennies, not more not less.

But honestly, that satsuma sure sounds nice.

Mm, this made me crave a good orange juice…


Good morning… one of those mornings at work where you get that one task which you hate so much.

Splitting an offer into three and make three orders out of it. Horror. (also due to the mediocre program that we must use to do this stuff)


It was a really neat movie back in the day :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hello there :sleeping:


Still is an iconic movie. I tend to see videos of the Ratatouille dish pop up on social media from time to time.

I always thought when I was a kid that it had pepperoni in it, and turns out it’s just vegetables haha.

I will try to attempt to make the dish this year, and see how the family likes it.

I am also planning to take some break from the forums soon because I’ll have very busy weeks ahead.

You might catch me in-game tho, maybe. Especially when noble garden comes you will catch me outside Goldshire hunting for eggs.


Hello captain cookie ! somehow your pseudo always make me think of the hearthstone battleground characters :hugs:

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Wasn’t he a murloc chef?

Waaait, my what? :thinking:

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Yes he is ! I cannot post link sorry :wink:

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You can, if you place it between two ` symbols.

Like this.


I have some important news that I think everyone should know but I don’t want people to worry or anything…

I am off tomorrow.


Would be a shame if there was a sudden influx of last minutes orders… :smiling_imp:

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Tonight: Cinema time!
There’s a big countdown to what might be a film, but i’m not gonna say it’s name cuz i want ppl to find out themselves :smile: :popcorn:
So here’s a Panda(ren) Eating Popcorns:


Oh good god… It wouldn’t be the first time…

“Hey J*****… can you do a shift tomorrow… I know you’re off the schedule…”
Hmm. Where?
“errmm lemme check… Oh it’s not much… just Pitlochry… Ballater… Stoneha… hello? Hello??”
(J***** has removed you from the chat)

And I can just see you hurriedly pulling up the Morrisons website and giving an order to some random person you don’t even know just to wind me up

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I still have a few friends up in stoney… :smiling_imp:

if it doesn’t include this piece of cinematic majesty then you’re not watching a good movie.


Stonehaven has been added to our area… I swear pretty soon Dundee will be covering everywhere in Scotland north of the Clyde and Forth

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But seriously…

I haz a new mount!!

Pre purchased Diablo IV
(yeah. I did. My money. Yell at me all you want for pre-purchasing a game I would be buying ANYWAY…)

And gotz a new mount!!




This mount loooks sick!
And no ones business on what do you spend YOUR money!
When it lands in the store I will buy it too… well IF it lands in the store; not a Diablo fan and just for the mount wouldn’t pre-order it :person_shrugging:

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Sure thing…

Because you’re worth it.


Oh wait, this was meant to go to Neffy? Oopsie. There we go.

Enough internet today!!

But mainly because you wanted Stoney frens to come over, not Stoners. There are certain limits to acquaintances…

(These gifs… looks like I just shot myself in the leg with this pro gamer move.)

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I have awoken! I have had my breakfast, cleaned the house (not that it needed much), got the bathroom ready for my mum, have all her stuff sorted out in the living room and have walked the dog.

Now I’m bored.