Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

She, who fell for a Dwarf hardly is a rollmodell young girls should follow! :unamused:

Girls love a scottish accent, no matter how atrociousā€¦

Itā€™s just fact. Ask Afenton.



Rough translation

ā€œhello young ladies, do you by any chance have any liquor?ā€

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I should do a video of me playing in an lfr and record my voiceā€¦

Harry Potter casts Maximus perversum on you

I have never read, watched, or played anything remotely connected with Harry Potter except if itā€™s someone else writing about it.

Sir! What ARE you suggesting? My constant skipping of the rest of the movie just to see her from behind bounding over rocks is purely aesthetical.

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Made that mistake one time! One time!!


Of course it is, i totally believe you. Thatā€™s why you take a carpet beater to your bedsheets before washing them- besides, Galadriel is fitterā€¦

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She should have gone bald to appeal the neckbeard crowd!

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Good idea, I wanna hear how a Scottish guy rages on the n-th wipe because they didnā€™t bother listening to the simple advice of ā€œstop standing in that tiny flame pool!ā€

But they have to tunnel vision to greed dpsā€¦

But you know three times the charm :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

And againā€¦ and againā€¦


Good morning :hugs:

The thread got closed, as is expected. Probably for the best. Iā€™m actually happy it did.

On another note I just finished watching the ā€œFarawayā€ (2023) movie on Netflix. It was fantastic! I love the story!

Might log in wow later today if I have the time, since itā€™s the weekend. I need to get exalted with Stormwind to get the heritage armor. If anyone have tips to get to exalted fast let me know as Iā€™m tired running Stormwindā€™s dungeon over and over again.


Always remember that the people who scream "oh someone will take offence if I am mean lol blah blah (insert pathetic attempts to be edgy here) are usually the first people to be offended themselves rather than skip past it.

As was clearly evident with 3 posters.


Tabard and run magisters terrace over and over killing everything in there. Itā€™s quick and gives a lot of rep.


This gives rep to Stormwind too? I didnā€™t know that.

I will definitely try this approach!

Humans are supposed to have extra rep if Iā€™m not mistaken, which might help too.

The same 3 ones hiding behind alts and classic alts and refused to post on their main :rofl: even after providing evidence of my main myself.

To be honest Iā€™m not even bothered. It was a hilarious trolling attempt and I forgive them for it. After all we are humans and we make mistakes.

To change the subject here is some video of a cute dog. Reminds me of my little fluff ball :heart:



I did loads of reps including undercity and orgrimmar so I assume stormwind will work too.


wich thread?

Also, Hey all. Sorry if i didnā€™t post much these days, but iā€™m really having an hard time at work rn, luckily itā€™s the weekend!


Ouchā€¦ Me much.

I just hope those miscreants recieved their just rewards in the form of a few week long ban for what they did to your nice thread :rage:
But you forgave them, soā€¦
ā€¦you are way better person than me :heart:

How true :roll_eyes:

The best way to farm reputation, yes
Tabar+Terace 'till your nose starts to bleed :sweat_smile:


I too would forgive after a while, assuming I see regret from the offenders :smile:

I donā€™t really know what it was about however, as I didnā€™t keep track.

Was it 404ā€™d or only delisted and closed? In the latter case, Iā€™d be glad to take a look at it :smile:

In the meantimeā€¦ hereā€™s a cauliflower casseroleā€¦ :drooling_face:

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