Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

It seems like a hard thing to do, but it’s actually refreshing.

You will be much happier that way.

Happy Ramadan thread. You can still find it but it’s locked :heart_decoration:

Now the trolls can’t troll. So it’s a win win.


I have a chicken and bacon pizza and copious quantities of beer tonight - might log in if i can be bothered

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If you can be sober enough you mean. Same



I can be sober enough to log in - actually doing anything is a completely different matter though…

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-_- Yeeeap… this is good night for me. Sleepy time. retire time.

When cats can play the violin you just know its time to go to bed.
Good night you all.

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Sounds like a wonderful Friday night.

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It is, except for the fact that my dog likes that pizza - shes like a canine garbage bin lol

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Haha my dog is tiny so can’t afford feeding her pizza.

It will be a horrible poop to deal with

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I beat you all!! I got taken out for my tea (dinner) tonight :drooling_face:



Heres my Storm…


Lucky you, Fenty - wheres the food though…

ohhh. I just didn’t look at it too much cuz i tend to avoid threads about politics or religions, tho if it got closed for the Trolls, it might be for the best in the end :smile:

anyway, about the moovie i talked about Wednesday… It was actually a trailer :expressionless: the real moovie is tomorrow :confused:




He’s so cute!

Dogs really do change a mood and brighten anyone’s day.

I know a grandmother in Lebanon who after the blast that happened, adopted a Pomeranian dog and her life turned upside down. She started looking at life in a brighter way and started smiling more. She was a very stern and serious looking grandma before that.

Amazing how a pet can change someone’s life. Wether it’s a cat or dog or even hamster.


Today’s the film!
Need sum Popcorns…


The only red who could steal any heart is Jessica Rabbit, everyone know that


He’s a she - very protective too. Soft as :poop: in the house, but opposite when out on a walk. Shes a big baby really, wont go for a walk if its too cold or raining

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I hate walks. We have street cats almost everywhere so i have to control and protect my small dog, as the big cats are not afraid to fight especially if its a mother cat.

but im as protective to my dog as a mother cat is to her children. If the cat wants to fight, i will fight to protect my baby. :pouting_cat:

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Morning everyone!