Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

behold, Princess Bubblegum


Amazing/subarashi ne ,Ameerah ascended to super saiyan rose.


Hey everyone :smile: view this at your own risk! These dishes are absolute monsters.

Okay, maybe the ice cream towards the end is okayish…


Stop publishing Souls upcoming cookbook before he gets it out on amazon!! He’ll never make any money on it this way…


Yeah I gathered…

On sale for a limited time, 20 of Soul’s meals that are a crime against the humanity living!

Don’t hesitate, get your early Halloween present copy right now!

A man from an underprivileged country was visiting America for the first time, and was amazed by products he’d never heard of before.
“What is this?” he asked while in the grocery store, holding up a package labelled milk powder.
“It’s milk powder,” came the reply. “You just add water, and you get milk.”
“Wow, incredible!” said the man.
Then in the next aisle he found a package that made him even more amazed.
“First milk powder, now baby powder?!” he exclaimed. “What a country!”


We aren’t going to teach our children that they were brought by storks :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Unless they had some strange powder in the pack.

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How is everyone doing today?

I ate so much cheese samosas I think I got sick and tired of them.


not bad actually! I’ve been playing an game i played alot of time ago: “Ace Attorney: Pheonix Wright”. it was really fun to revisit an old game!

also, i’m eating light food in these days since Thursday and Friday i won’t be home. it’s a prevention in case i eat something heavy and on the bus my stomach goes “GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-” Xd


You too? Alysea loves it dearly. She did finish it like half a year ago though…

Myself, only know it because of the memes.

Done for the week and mainly chilling in Fallout 4 with a huge power armor! I’m mostly done with the story, mainly just collecting bobbleheads, wreaking havoc, grabbling unique weapons and generally having fun. Gotta finish some star wars challenges too soon!


Ace attorney is like a cup of Tea coffee, The flavour is strong, and the taste remains forever.
(This is one of my favourite Characters of the entire saga.)


Oh, I see you’re a fellow Godot lover.

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I mean, he’s one of the best characters in the game! C’mon!
i just finished replaying uh “Ace attorney: Phoenix Wright, Dual Destinyes”. godness sake the last trial took ages :joy:

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Oh, sadly Dual Destinies isn’t on pc :C
But honestly I have no idea how are they gonna top the third game

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they won’t. That was the best one IMO and will remain like that. it’s just pure perfection, and you can’t go past that point.
Anyway, Goodnight all!

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Sweet dreams :smile:
(And see ya some day I suppose, sub’s gone /o\ )


Hola! I just realized that I didn’t post anything for 2 weeks. :eyes:


Whoa, to the point you devolved in to a Warcraft logo

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