Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

I aslo play on steam , i do stream but it’s irrelevant with the wow forum and it is nothing about wow or of any interest for the community, thanks for asking though.


Nope, even Souly admits pink is better than red :smiling_imp:

Not since a long time… long lived for sure but no longer immortal.

I know one actually, and her grandaughter!

The ick in that statement gives PTSD flashbacks…

People are busy with their lives and playing :woman_shrugging: and as Pam says Souly is busy washing out pink hair dye with pink hair dye tainted shampoo :joy: he will be back when he realises and buys some new shampoo and conditioner


Red is overrated !

Only because you used Control Undead on him… not to worry, I have a cooler spell in my spellbook.

casts Shackle Undead on Neffy

This ought to solve problems.

Night elves definitely are. I do wonder if the ten thousand year old specimens have a weird granny smell or not… :thinking:

What’s crackin’, my dudes?


Finally, Palivar is back!

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Lady Nef isn’t undead… She can cast a mean subjugate demon though and is very lucky* with /roll 20 :grin:

*Does not count when Kaitylinn adventures are involved

Verity A Fenton is Undead and supply you with extra body parts if you ever happen to lose any and need quality replacements :woman_zombie:

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Do I look like a demon lady to you?!*

I’m not in need of an Abomination Limb yet.

*= I actually am a succubus in certain scenarios. But don’t tell anyone.

hides whip very carefully

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/target Dunkiee
/cast Subjugate Demon

Goodafternoon’ ma friends.


I will obey your questionable bidding.

For 5 whole minutes.

Best put it to good use, am I right?

Three will be enough :grin:

Everyone knows you last way longer than that…

Exactly 2 months, 4 days, 17 hours, 58 minutes and 22.45 seconds. Don’t ask where I know this from.

cancels Mind Vision


only for fans and friends :slight_smile: good friends only


Hope everyone is having a great day

trying out the new hair colors




One step away from Princess Bubblegum…

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Mainly needs a crown… I think there’s a few in BoD from bfa?

She could resemble her more with the Long hairstyle by the way. (Which could be proper waistlong :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

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i actually have one, with blue gems,

and im gonna wear a pink dress.

i dont think i can copy her hairstyle with the horrible human graphics



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