Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)


Those chips look as if you just showed them some cold oil and then laughed before serving them to someone you really don’t like!!

Oopsie… the gas doesn’t work. Anyways! Some fire magic will do the trick…

Bon appetite, Neffy!

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they look air fried


They looks like a handfull of leftover fries from McDonald’s that got cold, then re-heate in a microwave :thinking:


Well well it’s been a long time huh fellas? :open_mouth:

The legend who started it all…

Well i’ve been on Turtle wow for well after they dusted Arthas.

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Well, I return from a brief horny jail, but won’t be able to post pics for my 2 weeks I have left :cry:

Blizz really wants me gone it seems. It could have at least stayed till my sub lasted and then I’d not care at all…

Happy April Fools Day everyone!!

Also happy trading post reset day! Got my eye on a couple of mogs this month :smile:


Looks like im just gonna go for the pet and mount this month - none of the mogs really suit me

Trappers munitions and the sin’dorei tomb are perfect for a couple of my chars, I’ll freeze the mount though.

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This and the mount are the noteworthy… rest, I don’t know. Not my taste really…


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I love the mount! The book is alright, reminds me of a sindorei book I already have from the Sunwell raid.

As for the blades of Elune I honestly expected something with moon decorations or symbols. Looks more like a random Druid blades.

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I have it too, from the twins I think. Only this is less fel and more elfy :smile:

If I do a few old raid clears I’ll be able to afford it easily. And then, just bank whatever I gather, and hope for the best if I come back.

That is a big difference tho’
Not all of us are fel-junkies :roll_eyes:


So why are there fel crystals on your armor? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Those are emeralds! :gem:


Fashion is indeed important!


:unamused: especially when you copy…

Indeed. One of my New Years resolution is to get the fabulous title.

But curse my laziness

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