Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Hey all. Idk why i got 1500 Post coins this month, tho it’s nice!
i bought the hunter Munition back/Quiver and the Torch. :smile:

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Can anyone confirm if the post coins are account wide? I only have 525 which is not enough for the pink mount.

So I wanna level one of my alts from level 0 to level 30 in the hopes of completing the 50 quests travel’s log requirements, should reward 200 coins if I’m not mistaken.

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Yeah its all account wide so you can use alts to do objectives you’ve done on your main previously and can’t repeat like the azure span storylines.

The 50 quests should also count WQs and the daily/weekly quests in DF zones and the darkmoon fair quests which starts tomorrow. You have a month to earn the extra tender.

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I probably should mention I dont have DF.

But no worries, many ways to obtain them. Thank you!

Bfa and legion and SL WQs possibly count too, might be worth going and doing one to see, you can pretty much one shot most legion world quests at 60 (just done loads on a level 60 rogue trying to get the box toy and needed currency for the mission table)

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I just hope no one ever does that to me o.o

i’m making a mog with the new blades of elune, it’s gonna be so cool once i get all the pieces :smile:


Still can’t understand that blade why is the Blade of Elune… :roll_eyes:
It should be the blade of Malorne or more likely Cenarius (or foster mom Ysera)
I know, in theory Malorne became Elune’s consort. Elune gave birth to Cenarius from that relationship - before Blizzard demolish the Kaldorei further and retconning this removing Elune from the story because of cosmic mambo jambo reasoning and Pantheon of Life stuff (they totally will dust of the old Ysera had a deep affection and respect for the demigod Malorne and those floating rumors that she and Malorne had a romantic relationship… just sayin’)
But that weak connection not really justifies a blade with this look… :eyes:

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I just finshed a great book “America’s Top Wine Rooms”
Tho’ I shouldn’t be surprised it was good…
…it was a bestcellar


Not these daddy jokes again :sweat_smile:

Anyways… mörning!

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My local brewery has just employed a person with one leg - hes been put in charge of the hops…


Every bad dad joke has to pay towards the Friday night burger and beer fund!!

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No problem
Ours were good dad jokes

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Decided against alpine plants, gone for a load of different coloured heathers instead

Must plant them before i go to work


I didn’t even know such a plant named like that existed… but for a fact, when I hear the name I can’t help but think of this woman.

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Team Alejandro rulez!!!


They are ericaceous plants, hence the Genus name Erica - look bloody awesome when fully grown


Been more partial to Duncan myself (when he was still a bad guy…), and Geoff too was awesome before S2, where all he did was hang on Bridgette’s lips :sweat_smile: they rightfully earned the boot at that point.

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Haven’t watched total drama in ages

I remember when I was a kid I had a huge crush on the character Bridgette. Not sure why now that I think about it.