Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

The chanel have all the seasons, if you want to kill time :smiley:

And this one have all the Class of the Titan episodes, awesome too

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Zoomers!! :roll_eyes: not knowing the true Heathers

I’m talking to one actually

Look out for the razor :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

ey’all. IDK recently i had some sort of Epiphany and my brain made mountains of ideas for a book i am writing, as well as too many danging digital art drawings :face_with_spiral_eyes:
imma need something to eat. Later imma go with dat ol’ pal o’ mine, UndeadLadyThatAlwaysGetsMyCharacterInWackyAdventures
and now imma go to make a big ol’ SUPER SALAD!!!

I drank magic water* today so together we should be invincible!! WATCH OUT FOR MOUNT FARMERS!!!

*No, Dunkiee and his plantlife were not involved in the partaking of magic water!

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i drank this:

bitter orange soda!


Hi everyone, how’s going? :eyes:

I demand my avatar back!


Merhaba Starney


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Translation: Hey Starney, How are you?

Also the fact: Elfundead is Phaoris and We are Death Knights!

Same, but with TL3!

 maybe it doesn’t change too much for the 10 days I have left. :sweat_smile:

Wanted to play some Far Cry Primal today, and somehow, the ubi launcher was wrecked
 no idea what happened, but I’ll try and download again tomorrow, see if that helps. (Getting into the game requires the launcher, likely because of cloud saves.)


I figured that out, that’s why I replied with the photo of a Turkish actor I found on Google that looks Starneyish. :eyes:

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You are very great Starney! :star_struck:

I heard some facts that the swiss and germans can speak turkish (By Minorities)

But Imagine Me going to Greece for vacation but when to order an ice cream in Turkish

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Well they may do if they have Turkish origin
 otherwise I doubt it. And it will be fare more common in Germany, here in Switzerland we have way more people from Balkans (former Yugoslavia) than Turkish.


So what do you think about Me, Bornelock, Phaoris, and Wolfywarlock?

Are we great too?!

Maybe we will solve almost everything

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Sure, you have great personalities! :crazy_face:

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Çok TeƟekkĂŒrler!

Translations: thank you very/so much, Very thanks

I told you to race change to a Vulpera!
But nooo
 you had to remain a naked Fat Kul Tiran
Even the Forum refuses to show it :roll_eyes:


Funnily enough, I was briefly a Vulpera back when they were released!

I race changed impulsively but it didn’t last long. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: