Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

So we can expect to see you on a channel 5 documentary about crazy drivers using the buses cctv footage? :joy:


I may… or may not… have had a few people hammering their horns and screaming obscenities…

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Part of me is drooling and the other part is thinking of the long term the side effects of consuming heavily processed meat. Though that depend on the frequency and the rest of the diet

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Hey all. Today it Rained after alot of time here in Northen Italy!


Lucky you… It’s rained nearly every day in April here :laughing: I’m thinking of turning into a duck just to make the best of it like a true Brit!!




A balance of sunshine and rainfall is vital.
Here in Greece we have way too much sunshine. I wish we could export some

But it’s true! Lookit this glorious sunshine!



(ignore the trash, bulky waste pick up…)


Indeed, and for absolute cretins. Mr. Mackey always forgot that bit.

Asked the missus whats for breakfast.
“Dog food” she replied.

Dog food.

Then I realised actually yeah. Considering you cook human food for the dog and I make do with whatever I rummage in the cupboard give me some “dog food”…

Abused man. Care packages containing black pudding, Irn Bru and chocolate to my battlenet id and ill provide shipping details.


Probably something to do with you chasing a bus like a racing driver yesterday.

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Plot twist: there is only dog food in the cupboard :smiling_imp: :dog: :bowl_with_spoon:


I deny any accuations regarding the missing doggy treats!


So while levelling a LF Draenei pally I’m saying… “I’m sure I have a LF Draenei somewhere because I have the heritage armour unlocked” so I go through my list of deleted chars across all realms. I find her but I also find another pally, Soulwarp.

Now there’s a blast from the past I think. I haven’t used her for god knows how long. So just for giggles I restore her. Ofc she’s naked apart from her underwear but that’s fine, nothing a few heirlooms and ah cant sort out.

So my curiosity leads me to say “hmm. wonder how old she is” so I check the achievement tab for Level 70. Mousing over the separate level benchmarks, 10… 20… etc you get the idea, lets you know when you hit that level on that character.

Soulwarp hit level 10 on 19th July 2009, and she has 86 Invader’s Scourgestones in her bank along with some other stuff I have completely forgotten even existed.

For a long time I thought Soulclaimer was my oldest surviving toon but she hit level 10 on the 18th of September 2009, Souldefiler was “born” on the 11th of February 2010 so it looks like Soulwarp is indeed my oldest surviving toon, at least the oldest that I can use character restore on. All the other dead toons I know have been made within the last 4 years, and there is no other “old” toons on my list/s of deleted characters…

Now I know I had a lot of toons before that, I would get them to max level and the delete them because I didn’t have a guild to dungeon or raid so once I hit max level I just deleted them and started fresh. But I’m guessing Blizzard only kept deleted characters for so long before they are unable to be “resurrected”.

I already have a human paladin, Shaydra, she’s currently my best-geared toon right now, level 70 and 397 ilvl. But I am tempted to keep Soulwarp and level her and gear her up, if anything to keep her relevant after all those years. And judging by some stuff in her single default backpack bag she hasn’t seen the light of day since early Cataclysm.

Soulwarp even has her old hair colour.
Light brown. Hmm.

I think I owe it to her to bring it back as she is my oldest toon and a relic of the past.
And her hair colour will remain as it was when I last played her.

And just as Soulclaimer has her old nerubian quiver in her bank which will never be deleted, I think I’ll do the same with the Invader’s Scourgestones and her Argent Dawn trinket. I don’t even know if you can still get them tbh, does anyone know?

I also know that Soulwarp was not her first name as the “Soul” only became my main prefix on a name when Souldefiler became more or less my “trademark”, so much so that people way back as they do now just call me “Soul” (usually people that want my head on a pike) or “Soulie”. (usually people who tolerate me enough to not want to put my head on a pike) I guess I will never know what Soulwarp and Soulclaimer’s original names were.

Edit. Soulwarp also has a letter from the Dalaran Currency exchange, telling me that I have 47 justice points converted to silver.

Probably not of any interest to anyone else but it made me smile a bit and remember the old days a little


Time Walking TW gave me a 411 Razageth trinket, so I am happy now
Good way to start the weekend!


Hey all!
Finally i have another Long Weekend :sunglasses:

Holy, That is a old character!
I Wasn’t Playing in 2009, in fact, i started playing during legion, between patch 7.2.5 and 7.3.0. Was really great thoe!


The Legion raids were so easy, so friendly for the casuals and new players :smiling_face:

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NH, Tos and Antorus beg to differ!


Let’s rate the easiest to hardest legion raids

Nighthold is the easiest legion raid

Rest were fine

Tomb of Sargeras, yes it was the hardest legion raids when it comes from Heroic Fallen Avatar and Kil’jaeden

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