Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Are you saying that Souly walks around with slug on his top lip and pretends he has a mighty moustache? That’s a bit more Baldrick vibes which definitely suits him more…

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I was talkin’ aboot me, eh !

Im still not talking to you for casting dispersions on the power food that is black pudding.

Shameful. SHAMEFUL!

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By Durin’s Beard, i beg you not to for the sake of humanity :laughing::laughing:

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Stop doing that!!! shakes angry Scottish fist at phone screen

Yes, I agree! Black pudding is shameful!!


Is there even a point to this thread at this stage?

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I hereby give notice of payment of 10,000 cabbages on deliverance of this heretic’s head, 10,000 cabbages and a tomato if brought alive so I can publicly humiliate her by making her walk around Stormwind with a sign saying “I STILL HAVE SPICE GIRLS LP’S”


It never had a point!
And that is its beauty


What made you think there was a point in the first place? We are just sitting here posting while we wait on Afenton putting the kettle on to make us a cup of tea.

Its been at least 6 months now and im running out of blue riband.


Always knew you were a secret Spice Girls fan :eyes: can just imagine you in your knock off union jack dress and ginger wig singing to your hair brush in the mirror…

You’ll be waiting a long while, I don’t have teabags :woman_shrugging:


And I do what I WANT :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn Scottish ruining Scotland, eh !

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My bad, for some reason I had associated this topic title to a discussion about a certain controversial change in the character creation. My mistake

Darling please…

Jogging shorts! My dog has the Union Jack dress!


But do you like black pudding…

I am the only one in my family who does. I spent 6 years in Scotland so I got to try it as part of a breakfast menu.
It helped that I did not knew how it was made

Black pudding + sauce + mushrooms and tomato

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We hungarians call it “véres hurka” Bloody Sausage!

BUT we have a liver variant too




I chased that bus for 10 minutes to get a decent photo… I was driving and my wife had my phone. She’s yelling at me in her American accent “I’m gonna be late for work!!” and I’m saying “well the bus is going that way so get a good photo!!”

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