Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

I have a message from our favourite red head!!

He decided to go on a Chic Fil A hunt in third world America and they have no WiFi or proper electricity there so he can’t stop by and post any pics of his burger and fries but says hi!!! And will be back soon.


Ah, hes on holiday - thought he had another vacation from here…

On another note, my Iron Maiden tickets turned up today so watch out Leeds on June 28th :metal: :metal:


*gasp * You know Ronald McDonald?

Soul’s Food Diary should be a thing!


Comes Charging in on a brand new horsey mount


Hey guys!!


The fire horsey from the Tradin Post?
Looks nice, indeed
Let’s pretend you are talking about that


I is back!!!


Still on holiday, was on frum vacation.


Welcome back!

We are eagerly waiting Soul’s Food Diary!

:fork_and_knife: :fox_face: :wine_glass:

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Havent been eating out much but when I have I’ve been taking photos… also a few photos of places ive been so soon as im back home lots of pics!

And my sister in law’s cat loves me…

So my 3,000 ish mile road trip comes to an end. And Tuesday I leave to come home.

Lots of foodie pics and other photos when I get home.

This one?

Because I thought pretty much everyone has that by now.



The other one that everyone* probably has by now with the awful wings!

*Obviously doesn’t include those DK’s who went on holiday during the event so will be mad dashing the last week of it to try and get it

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And another one for the mount i cant get because my lappy won’t work over here!

Hopefully i get it by the timevevent ends otherwise oh well.

Laughs in Invincible


I have a spare wirt’s leg 2H mace if you want it. Seems either everyone has had the drop of already bought it off the AH because they are no longer selling so I can give this one away.

Made a nice chunk of gold from selling a few extra’s though :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

If you’re on Blades Edge sure!!

But remember… I’ve made it a life’s goal to avoid your foul allure and lascivious meanderings… I shall prepare a drop box or a gulli… easilly paid off gnome to collect the item while I cower in my safe space praying to whatever deity will either listen to me or hasn’t blacklisted me.

Its on AD, just need a char that can use 2h maces to learn it. There is no level requirements for them.

I have come to inform you that in the UK a month of wow is now officially cheaper than a bottle of ketchup* proving that ketchup* is indeed really bad for you and truly evil! I was right all along!!

*Heinz branded ketchup


its disgusting anyway :smiley:


Ketchup is for kids and weaklings.

HP is for adults and people who rip the leg off a roasted pig on the spit and slap it on a wooden stump before emptying said sauce from the bottle onto it.

I cant be the only one who does that surely.