Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

I Swear! I Did It By Mistake! achievement unlocked

I used to love beating the shinola out of that annoying little schoolgirl in Street Fighter. There was something immensely gratifying about obliterating her with Akuma’s Raging demon…

chun li never skipped leg day.

If only you were as good at wow pvp :nail_care:

Oy! Be fair!
Go easy on her!
She can’t be good in something that not even exist!



Now lets see how well you fared without corruption and I was babysitting a gnome…


Don’t worry she’s just jealous she’s not as stunning as I am…



Put up the screenshot from the first one too!! :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I don’t have one lol I was too busy screaming at my team mates for not protecting me

I’m jealous of that wig…

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I demand to speak to the landlord

He’s on holiday but will get back to you with 60 days… :eyes:

Please keep paying your rent in the meantime :coin:

wig? WIG!!??


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Don’t be too upset, it’s a more believable wig than Dunkiee’s…



That’s true. Somewhere a cleaning lady is missing the head from her mop.

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not surprised to see my lesser twin back again … if you ask me personally

cant all be strong willed…


if you ask me personally i am the most strong will here

you all only have yourselves to blame for it too

i have stayed unsubbed for 64645627 months and eaten nothing but chicken and protein bars whilst bench pressing elephants at the local zoo

ofc i have a 86 pack now

its been hard work ngl but worth it

i almost lost my foot when i kicked a hole through a steel reinforced concrete barricade too but the dr was impressed with how quickly it healed and i was back to running a marathon a day within 2 hours

thats how strong willed i am

now ive got a date with a woman who glanced in my direction whilst i work 3 2648 hour shifts back to back with no breaks and also post continuously on the forums of this game i despise

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Assuming you get to crawl out of your crypt and not get burned in the sunlight…

Anar’alah belore!

You misspelled makeup :sweat_smile: hard to do it when stoned.

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That would be an accurate enough statement if it wasn’t for the fact you look like someone shaved your eyebrows off and you decided to draw them in again with a lump of coal…

How odd that coal is the same shade of crimson as my hair…

It’s definitely not of our world.

By the way, with your logic I was probably using crayon to color my lips glossy red. It’s probably a good one if I didn’t have to reapply my lipstick since the start of summer… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That, and the can of paint I got at your local store is oddly shiny and lasting on my nails :nail_care: this otherworldly fashion is truly fascinating!

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