Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

A passing orc wanted me to tell you, that wasn’t coal… :eyes:

He also said that wasn’t a crayon… :eyes:

The goblins who run that store also said that wasn’t paint… they bought the ingredients from the orc… :eyes:


What passing orc?

sweats anxiously

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Blizzard no wont silence poeple.
Ofcuorse not like thax larion for not makin a microtransaction game.
That made with passion.
No blizzard dus shut down posts they are for free speech!!!


The one who ate a lot of red berries…

And all those berries colored his hair red?

Come to think of it, that’s what my hair dye was made of…

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Well once he converted it… it coloured your hair, lips and nails :grimacing:

In totally not unrelated news, your pass for Silvermoon City has also been temporarily suspended :eyes:

As a sin’dorei resident, do I look like I need a permit? I can do whatever I want in there.

For a fact, I could be running the place.

Which means throwing giant city parties with real drinks, electronic music and robotic people.

You could strive for the same with Undercity, though I doubt many are fond of partying in way too much filth, not mentioning that a single gunshot sounds like you walked in with a bloody marching band.

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Politically, priests are low on the totem pole for running things in Silvermoon… Now if you were a mage!! Even then you’d be locked away for the electronic music and drunkenness, elves have standards and don’t look too kindly on madmen or goblin technology running rampant in their city streets and especially not ones covered in Orc by-products :dracthyr_hehe_animated: you’d fit in a lot better in the undercity tbh


I’m liking this purely for the vision of Dunkiee walking down Murder Row and all she hears is “awwfh what’s that smell!! Awww bad dog!!”


As a result, please take notice of your permanent exile from Silvermoon and a restraining order requiring you to maintain a 150-mile distance from all areas of said city and residents.

This action is not taken lightly, but to preserve the beauty and sanity of our esteemed city and to preserve its status as a beacon of culture and sophistication within the Horde urban areas of distinction your application to introduce electronic music is vigorously denied and as such your exile has been approved by the City Council and will be enforced by City Guards.

Failure by you to adhere to this notice will result in you being shot.

By order of the Director of Musical Taste, Silvermoon City Council.

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Awesome, I know what I have to do for an easy way out…

I could always be raised as a banshee Dark Ranger and roleplay a second Sylvanas for… reasons…

And once things work out this way…

…then why not.

Not Soul’s sweaty armpit and chest hair again…

I really hope it’s Roscoe I’m smelling, or Baron returning from the dead…

Poor pooch. He was one lively german spitz. I miss him so much. :cry:

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Guards, he’s entered Silvermoon and he wants to bring back that waste of space Sylvanas…

City Guard
“Oh he has?. Excellent.”

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Nooooo! Not the shotgun!!

Just shoot me with the pistol, will ya…

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Hmm, i can not to not wonder, why do you have what appears to be a several shoes mounted on the what appears to be a door?

Is that some sort of anti-burglary system or what?

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You know how hunters mount deer heads on the wall as trophys? Well Soul mounts shoes he found in roadside ditches as pretend hunter trophies… :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Lol its to keep my shoes away from my dog, he will ignore everyone elses shoes but if he gets mine he just lies with them and eats the insoles. For some strange reason he also tries to eat my wallet. I’ve had to replace it 2 times after he got hold of it.

Doesn’t chew anything in it, just chews the leather.

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So hide it in a cupboard maybe :rofl:

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Spot the guy who has never owned a dog…

A cupboard mounted to the wall…

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My dog has learned how to open drawers and open doors… He hooks his paws around the handles and steps backwards. The only way my wallet is safe is to put in the key holder I have in my hallway.