Do not do your ember court!

So I just did my Ember Court event since Noblegarden has started, you get a +300% friendship buff during the event but it seems bugged and the buff dropped randomly so I didn’t get the extra rep, never clicked on it or did anything to remove it.

It’s literally 3 weeks of rep gone.

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I forgot, egg chasing event. My favourite event. Shame there’s nothing to do since 2010.


Op you dont have to worry… no one does ember court full stop.


I’m not talking about the Noblegarden event itself, there’s a special event in the Ember Court for Venthyr players.

I think mine worked. I didn’t check for the buffs themselves in the event but my reputations for people I’ve never invited before has shot up:-

That is the first time I’d invited Lady Moonberry and she’s now higher than others I’ve hosted just the once.

It sucks if yours didn’t work for whatever reason. I purposely held off until Monday to host my Ember Court.

They do add new collectables every so often for these events, with this year having a new themed Hearthstone.

Awww, I always do te Court as soon is possible
Guess I missed this bonus then; I don’t think it will be around for tomorrow’s reset

Sad Draenei noises

I’m kind of hoping it works with reset as well but I honestly don’t know if it will.

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That was last year, as I have it and haven’t touched Noble Garden this year.

Seemingly everybody but me managed to get the buff to work, I think either the event that turn you into Niya or the one that has you ride a gorm removed the buff but I’m not sure, either way I’ve never removed it myself once I got it.

At the end I also never gotten the weekly buff from Mekanikos that you get from his chest (+10rep per WQ and a particular effect in Bastion) while I got another buff that gave me 100 Stam for 2 hours.

Honestly I’ve been mad about the whole thing since it happened, I feel robbed of 3 weeks of progress.

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Now you’re telling me i can be friends with Lady Moonberry :frowning:

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I think it’s totally justified, I would be sooooo mad if I missed out too. Especially after waiting to do my Ember Court.

Do you have a character on the US forums by any chance? I’ve reported the bug in game but i’d like to report it on the US forums too but I’d have to create and level a new toon just for that.

Do it in game, that way it goes the the people who fix bugs and they also get some info from your client. A forum post is useless if you really want a bug fixed.

I already did, doesn’t hurt to report it multiple times.

One of the bugs I encountered got retroactively fixed tho, I got the buff from Mikanokos after the server reset earlier, I checked if I had also gotten the rep I was missing and I didn’t.

Wait, so Venthyr has 15 extra reputations? Damn it…

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I got the egg quest/event again today doing Ember Court and it now looks like this:-

I have all of the visitors unlocked now so slightly bigger list.

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Yeah, the event was there for me too!
Happy Draenei noises
It was an awesome, fun little egg hunt , huge bonuses
New besties
I love the Ember Court, with enough perks, half an hour of fun (and always have 2-3 bottles for extra minutes)
:bat: :bat: :bat:

I don’t. I just get my pets from the Queen’s Conservatory.

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