đŸ‘ŠđŸ» Do not give up!

"The only way to win is not to play the game"

It mean that if you can’t afford losing, don’t start playing it.

I wanted to quote this because it’s crazy how people start to surrender with 1 fight on a batleground and stop playing just waiting the end because they lose 1 fight and don’t want to make effort even when the game is 85% winnable.

It work for all aspect of World of Warcraft.

That what playing game or sport is enjoyable and what make winning great : Sometime you lose , sometime you win.
If you win 100% of the time winning will not have the sam pleasure if you win 50% of the time.

This is also a notion of competition and teamplay : the goal to win together.
Stopping playing because you don’t trust your team is one of the reason why you will lose : you can’t ask your team to be full Rank 1 player and to roll everytime on ennemy team.

When you stop playing, it also like you block a slot of your team for someone who want to play and to win, and also by stopping playing you give the ennemy team more chance to win, and give yourself even less hope to win.

It’s also demoralising for your team since the goal from the start in your group is to succed together, when 1 surrender the group is demoralise because at the start you agreed to play and in the end you won’t play because in your opinion “it’s lose because i’m not a competitive player and want only 100% win”. This mentality is destroying hope of teamplay and spread to other player due to 1 player negativity. If everyone is in the spirit of wanting to play together and will do everything of their best to win, where you expected to lose can result to a win. If you feel negativity because you fear losing, stopping playing will give the sentiment that their effort is ruined because of you, while they have tryed their best to win but you don’t want to win.

“There is no shame in defeat, as long the spirit remain unconquered”

100% win is only possible if you don’t play the game
If you play the game often , it’s normal to also win or also lose.
And in the end you will know that the algorithm will tend to make you 50% win and 50% lose.

Sometime you will see that you lose, even trying your best
But losing is not a shame, for every defeat you have learn something.
For every lost game you have a a key that allow to open a gate to win.

Refusing to continue because it’s a game lost will not make you learn something and will not make you earn that key that you have learnt.

Before being the best, the best was before the worst, but because they was the worst they learn from other people how to be better to then become the best.
If you tend to already be the best and rejecting the lost on your team, you will never learn and in the end you will not know how to be better to be the best.

" The one thing that differentiates a CHAMP from a CHUMP is “U” " - Bajheera

Because it’s 50% of the time win and 50% of the time lose, there’s only thing that will make the difference :

It’s YOU !

You are the one that you will vary that chance to win and to lose :

  • you do your best to the end, you will increase the chance to win.
  • you surrender at the 1st wipe/teamfight, you will increase the chance to lose.

By every lose you have before , you have learn something how to become better to get more chance to win, even if you lose again you will learn an another thing.

You are the one who will make the game win, by knowledge you got before, and learn in the way, yes you will carry you team to victory, and savouring it.

And because thank to you to be dedicated to make that game won, people will also tend to be like you, to fight even when it’s game lost to learn something to then carry like you the game in order to win.

That why a game won is satisfying : Because everyone learn by the game lost before, and did not gived up to change the game lost to a game win, will make the game you thought lost to a game won.

That for that reason Blizzard added achievement like this, to push people to do not give up from the start :

For even when you think the game is lost, it’s still winnable

So many battleground i have joined because people left because ennemy have capped 2 flag, and we won in the end because other people kept on fighting.
The guys who have left met defeat
The other one who didn’t left and kept fighting on his team won, for not giving up.

:facepunch:t2: :anger: Do not give up guys !

This topic work both for PvE and PvP content !


Whoever you’re quoting here doesn’t seem to understand basic English grammar.


corrected the right quote, and quoted from tron

People who quit after one defeat in a damned game can’t be managing much better in life. And in life you don’t get anywhere without facing multiple defeats. If one hasn’t faced a defeat in life, it’s because they haven’t even tried achieving anything yet.

Kinda wordy but I agree with the sentiment.

The most memorable wins are those where you come from behind. It’s easy to pat yourself on the back in an RBG where you’re never in danger, but when the enemy team has 1450 points on the board (and the flag), you have 1350 and you manage to turn it into a win, thats memorable.

It’s the same in pve where someone dies early in a run and writes “gg”. It can mean many things but normally its an admission of defeat.

Sure it’s cool and you should not give up ever and close calls are awesomely enjoyable and tense etc etc

But then there’s the ones you cannot in any way possible turn the game around and you’re getting corpse camped at the graveyard and everyone have a miserable time etc etc
And yet some insist on dragging out the “battle” for as long as possible.

You know the fights.
Got steamrolled at every encounter, 1000 points behind, not physically possible even if you manage to grab everything yet suddenly it’s extra important we spend another 20min in there by putting in that extra 110%.

I’m not saying always give up.
I’m not saying never give up.
I’m saying read the room and act accordingly and realistically.
Sometimes you’re giving up too easily.
Sometimes you’re wasting everyone’s time.

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Sometimes you need someone that’s never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around and desert you :musical_note:


Well said Dest, and its not about what faction your even playing on. Stick to the end and youll achieve greatness



‘Haven’t you ever noticed that by running away you end up in more trouble?’
‘Yes, but, you see, you can run away from that too. That’s the beauty of the system. Dead is only for once, but running away is for ever.’
‘Ah, but it is said that a coward dies a thousand deaths, while a hero dies only one.’
‘Yes, but it’s the important one.’
Survival - Terry Pratchett

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Cowards make the best strategists. Lots of people would be as cowardly as me if they were brave enough.

I strongly agree with OP. Don’t give up, just keep fighting in mid, each kill gives honor.


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Love the sentiment, Destrarion!

You can’t win them all, but you can always give it your best shot and on the whole that’s usually going to be more fun as well! :muscle:


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