*Do Not* put me in a BG that is about to end, please. Seriously

yes but generally winning is more fun than losing

So if you were in a bg from the start, but you ended up outnumbered near end - and new players on your side meant a chance of winning - you’d kick the new players?

Tell me how new players getting in a BG where you’re loosing by a large margin (0-1400 for the obvious) is going to help you win exactly ?

There should be a threshold, to identify clear losses :

  • 0-1400 is an obvious loss.
  • 200-1200 is also an obvious loss.
  • 400-800 much probably a loss.
  • 500-700 ok things are getting blurry here…

Obvious loss = don’t put me there. It’s a waste of time.

You can also decide where to put new players depending on estimate time left of the BG.
If I spent 20 minutes to get in a BG, I certainly don’t want to waste my time on a BG that is going to end in about 20 seconds.

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If it’s a for sure loss 0-1400 I see your point. But it’s tricky, I can see Blizz’s point of view as well. Bgs are fixed balance, and they prob feel it should be guaranteed 50/50 win or lose.

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