*Do Not* put me in a BG that is about to end, please. Seriously

It’s been twice already, in the last hour.

0-1495ish something like that.

Are you rocket f*cking league ?


That reminds me of when I still played Overwatch on PS4 and PC… it would semi-often put me into a match which was a split second away from ending. As I loaded in, I’d see the “defeat” splash and be kicked back into the queue for a new match :frowning:

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I would like to join bgs when 0-1495 that means free honor.


Once got berated for it in WoW, saying I did 0 damage. Turned out I was teleported to a BG where the Horde GY farming and close to winning, so yeah I just hid in base for the remainer 10-30 sec. What was I supposed to do? Cap 5 bases all alone? Or the time I got kicked… for defending stables or the one time I got kicked for assaulting the farm all alone, and taking out 3 horde and almost capping the flag. Got backed up by 2nd player near death and he peeled so I could go around a corner and healed like crazy! Then jumped back in after ooming myself with FoLs and capped the base right before being reported AFK. Some people are simply blind. You could see my health going up and down…

Or the chat message: “We don’t need everybody at LM, can one of you go down and help me cap farm? I’m holding out but as a ret I need a bit of assistance with sustained.”.

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Ah, yes. That awesome feeling of entering a random BG because someone lef 5 seconds away from Defeat. So fulfilling, so balanced, so meaningful.

Why is this a thing, Blizzard?


well ye it is free honor…but if u wanna actualy play pvp … u sit 13 min + long que and then got into bg that ends 10sec after you join and u have to sit another 10min+ long que then its frustrating as hell…no matter if its a win or lose.


And when it’s a slow day and wait for 30 minutes just to get into one-sided match that ends in 10 seconds? God, I can’t help but feel bitter after one of those.

It’s so annoying isn’t it :frowning: Queue for 20 minutes, join, you’re 150 reinforcements down and there’s less than 5 minutes to go.

Personally I’d bump up the deserter debuff to be significantly worse than it is. Right now, if you’re losing Ashran 300-200, that’s another 45+ minutes of slogging it out before you can finally leave. Even I will quit at this stage because it is mathematically better to bail, eat the 15 minutes (while getting a cuppa, checking your mission table, cleaning the sink, catching up on a podcast, etc) and jump in to something else. The deserter debuff must be longer than the longest known time to lose if it is to do its job.

My other pet peeve is starting AV or IoC without a tank. Seriously. Keep the gate closed until there are tanks in the group, even if we have to wait tens of minutes. There is no point starting these BGs without the right composition. Do not let us begin if we cannot win.

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Seriously? What kind of person enjoys a 10 minute queue to be spit out of an instance in 5 seconds without performing any actions?


There should definitely be a cut-off for backfilling, or the ability to choose whether you wanted to backfill or not, with incentives for toggling it on - Like when there’s a lack of Healers and Tanks in LFD/LFR.

I can’t imagine anybody actually clicking accept to this, because backfilling generally means entering a losing match. Penalties need to be more extreme.


Agreed, surely there’s a way to stop this from happening.

But why ?
Easiest afk Honor of your life

Yeah, I had other ideas regarding higher penalties but didn’t want to dilute the post.

I was thinking something like increasing length on Deserter, resetting every week. So for example the first time you desert you get a 10 minute debuff, the next time it’s 30 minutes, then 1 hour then 2 hours etc. etc. Then on reset day it goes back down to 10 minutes again.

It’d penalise serial DC’ers without causing problems for people whose games crash, or have to deal with an emergency, who’d only get a brief 10 minute debuff.

Why do you want to force me or any other player with 10 fingers to play with a bunch of trolls or incapable players who obviously lack brain & fingers ?

Im joining a bg to enjoy HK farming or win , depending on the mood.
Im not there to get irl cancer or smoke 5 ciggs per bg because my teamate Pala cant BoP me or because our DH aint going for flag and keeps fighting like ape.

15 mins are fine , else que times will be fcked as well

Etxept rocket league you get in next game quick thou so why compare rocket league to bgs? XD

Yeah, that’s why I rarely queue solo - other than knowing I have at least someone to rely on, it will always put us in a fresh game.

Ofc that applies on normal BGs only, “epic” ones are a different story :smile:

sounds like more fun than warfronts and island expeditions

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And sometimes mark which is needed for mogz ^^